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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. Nope I do not have that char in my keyboard :P EDIT: Dawpi can you confirm me if you added the quote in your post after replying with an edit or if it was there from the start? (I might have found a bug in IPB >.<)
  2. Fixed a typo in the second edit for the messengerFunctions.php file (really, I shouldn't edit the readme of a mod at 2 AM...)
  3. There was a small edit missing in the package, I have updated it and fixed also a typo. The edit missing was in the messengerFunctions.php file (on a fresh install it is the second edit, for the upgrade file it was both edits instead)
  4. Yes, 2.0.0 has been tested only on IP.Board 3.0.5. It is a real pain to support this modification (currently ~110 file edits) and I have decided to support only and always the latest version of IP.Board for it.
  5. The mod has been upgraded to version 2.0.0 and supports IP.Board 3.0.5, however, if you have any issues with it I would prefer if you posted over at my forum in the dedicated forum I made as it is hard to keep track of everything in one topic with such big modification (with all the addons the file edits are something like 110!) (T30) Group Format 2.0.0 Support Forum
  6. I'm not aware of any change in 3.0.5 that might break this mod but I'll have a look :) Unless the proxy changes the user agent you will still see firefox.
  7. It is a fake and they are also using a nulled board most likely (look at the copyright).
  8. No, lately I've had less free time than usual and the next version will be for sure Beta 2 and not the final one however.
  9. It is a limitation of the current system, it is not possible to extend the same class 2 times or PHP will return a fatal error. There might be a way to run them chained but it is a bit tricky and for sure that won't change before 3.1 at least (if the developers can find a way to change it).
  10. There you go, the skin overloader for the topic view of the award hook is run before this one and as I said above only the first one is actually run.
  11. The staff gets an email notification (if you haven't disabled that setting up the staff in your ACP), then your staff is automatically subcribed to each ticket if they have chosen to be subscribed each time they reply; there is also a button that shows if you are already subscribed to the ticket or not (pretty much like the topics). However you cannot chose a delayed or daily email, all email notifications are immediate for the ticket system.
  12. Which other hooks do you have installed? Most likely you have another hook that is overloading the same class and since a class can be overloaded only one time currently this hook is skipped.
  13. The other skins are not updated with the new skin changes yet.
  14. You are missing the template added bu the hook, re-import the xml file to fix the issue.
  15. There is a bug report open about that :)
  16. As you can see the developers are marking bugs as fixed for 3.0.5 in the tracker, that means the release is soon (I cannot specify "soon" yet however).
  17. Even if you are not a customer you can view the official documentation and the mods available here: http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=ccs
  18. A "possible" fix is provided in the bug report I made but it is untested, if you want to try it and report back.. :whistle:
  19. IP.Shoutbox 1.1.2 MSSQL Drivers Beta 1 are now available for immediate download We are releasing an initial beta of MSSQL drivers for IP.Shoutbox for those who need to use these drivers. Special thanks go to Tom_F who helped us with the initial development and testing of these so we could reach a stable beta stage. Please bear in mind, these drivers are still beta so only those who feel comfortable with using beta software should proceed. Downloading and Installation - Upload as usual the file from the IP.Shoutbox package located here - Upload also the MSSQL drivers from the beta package located here - Run the installer as usual as specified in the topic here Found a bug? If you believe you have found a bug within IP.Shoutbox, please use the Tracker project set up for Shoutbox, located here! We hope you enjoy this release!
  20. There is already a bug report "Confirmed - Ongoing Research" on that issue but despite our efforts we are not able to reproduce it so we cannot fix it. If you have a proper list of steps to reproduce the issue that will help us a lot.
  21. Because there is a bug with the search system already confirmed and marked as critical in our tracker.
  22. As Michael said login with your customer account and post in the peer-to-peer forum.
  23. About the buttons showing in areas where the bbcode is disabled there is a bug "flagged for future version", about a better way to handle the bbcodes there are already some suggestions and I agree myself that a better way is needed. I don't think we will see anything before 3.1 about this however..
  24. Edit the public title of the application in "ACP > System TAB > Manage Applications & Modules" :) It is not a matter of cool unzipping software, zip compression sucks while rar is better and I have always used it for everything. There are a couple of free programs that can read rar archives fine (and zip as well of course) if you do not want to pay for a WinRAR license.
  25. This bug is already reported and fixed for 3.0.5 :)
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