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Steph Jensen

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Posts posted by Steph Jensen

  1. I am trying to transition from wordpress to IPS, but i am really missing the formating options and block styles available on Wordpress.
    Is there any plug-in that allows blog posts to use blocks similar to the Gutenberg/Elementor blocks used on Wordpress, or any similar solutions that would add the same functionality?

    EDIT: it seems like elementor can be intergrated with mostly everything, and that developers are encouraged to do so. Has anyone in here tried to work with it?

  2. I am currently running my community off discord, but want to add IPS as a platform where users from discord can add content, and run their own blog, share files etc.
    Would this integration be useful for me? I read that it can synchronise roles and users from the website to discord but i am moving the other way around. Do you have any advice on what and how i can use it in my case?

  3. On 7/1/2019 at 1:36 PM, InvisionHQ said:

    Now I wonder if from these, more or less valid, requests we can set up a discussion of...

    I don't want to beat a dead horse, but you did mention setting up a discussion about this, and now you don't want to discuss other things than support requests.
    People are not angry because of your app, issues, bugs, missing features etc. They are angry because you left them hanging, without knowing if you EVER would come back. Each day you were gone + each day you didn't reply, they didn't know if you would be back ever, so they begin fearing that their business model is dying.

    What did you expect people to do? You say it yourself, that you have been active for so long, and supportive for so long and then you suddenly aren't. It's very likely that something has happened.

    Yes most support requests might be people not knowing how to use it, or asking for things it can't but i expect that this must a large part of your support routine anyway, and is equally important for people to be told that it can't do this and that, as fixing bugs.

  4. I think @Murena's rand is valid,especially for a feature that charges a running fee. I expect that the fee is for support.

    For me it was not so urgent or even important, but i am sure that some people out there depend on this.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    Let’s be fair.. you got a refund for the second purchase.


    I did, after asking a few times about it, and i am thankful for this!

    You guys answered this faster than the support ticket about it!
    Still, i got the message that this was a one time courtesy. It didn't sound like it would cover any future incidents of a developer not supporting their software.


    Unfortunately, this is a risk we all assume when buying third party. With that said, as a one-time courtesy, I’ve refunded this in the form of a marketplace account credit which you can use towards other purchases


  6. On top of all this, i've had to buy this twice, because it initially transitioned over to @InvisionHQ. Sounds like i'll have to disable that feature. It does put the extra features of the marketplace at risk, because we can only be sure to be able to use them , as long as the developer is still active

  7. 48 minutes ago, opentype said:

    No. It only supports the feeds mentioned on the product page. 

    Thanks @opentype

    I want to create a blog feed but somehow limit it to filter the posts that get listed so that i (or a team of editors) can decide what posts should be listed.

    Do you have any ideas/tips to create such a feed?

  8. Just now, Adriano Faria said:

    I have absolutely nothing to do with this resource for at least a couple of years. 


    1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I have absolutely nothing to do with this resource for at least a couple of years. 

    I apologise

  9. 21 minutes ago, Steph Jensen said:

    I am looking for the "external advert link" feature mentioned on the sales page of this app. Where can i find this option in the settings?

    @Adriano Faria did you just remove that description from the sale page? I clearly went there to copy/paste the desctioption text, because i was in doubt if it was something that i remember wrongly, but now it isn't there?


  10. A quick question.

    I have set this up with no commerce. So users can use it with out having to pay anything to sell things. Still, when they renew theirs ads, it says that an invoice will be created, and the ad will be renewed once it has been cleared. Is there a way to disable this notification if the price for renewing (or creating) an ad is zero?

  11. 31 minutes ago, InvisionHQ said:

    This is something related to settings, if you want I can check for you but I need ACP access.


    I release a new update in the next days with some bugfixes but I don't know if I can work also on this... I'll try. 

    I have sent you a message with ACP info

  12. On 11/13/2018 at 3:53 AM, Kassandra Taggart said:

    I figured it out.  There is permissions under the app under categories along with permissions for member/groups.

    Then you have to click all the types and packages for each category. 

    Sorry to bug ya!   


    Kassandra, how did you get this to work?

    i get the same error, but for each category, i have already specified what types, conditions, packages etc i want for each category... its a bit wierd

  13. I'm having a small problem with this. All seems set up, but when i try to create an add, i get this warning, even before i can fill out any form. It happens as soon as i pick a category to post in. then it goes away from the modal window, and back to a page with this warning:

    This didn't work did it..

    You cannot create adverts in this category: missing PACKAGE INFO, TYPE or ITEM CONDITION. If you have already created them, edit your category and choose which ones the category will use. Contact the system administrator.

    Error code: CL-SUBMIT/1

    I am sure that i am doing something stupid but what?

  14. 9 minutes ago, opentype said:

    Your front page uses SuperBlocks templates. That doesn’t have an option to link the images. 

    Thanks @opentype
    Should i post a question there, or can you answer here if there is a quick way to make those header images clickable?

  15. 589037431_Screenshot_2019-04-29Plugins.thumb.png.8e5f265371f8f435dd586fdde7edf27f.png @opentype sorry i am probably doing something wrong, or i am in the wrong place, but i already had this checked, It seems to work well on the blogs page, but the custom block on the front page, that lists blog posts isn't working the same way. Maybe i am asking on the wrong place? I am slightly confused now...

    The page is here but if you go to the front page, the blog posts, don't have clickable images. Sorry if i am asking something that i should ask in annother place


  16. Just a quick question. I have a block that i use on some of my pages, to list blog posts. This works and looks great, but i would like the image of each blog post to be clickable too, and not only the blog title. Is this an easy/quick fix?

  17. 9 minutes ago, opentype said:

    There are settings for that. Showing the block title is a setting. Using the box styling is a setting. 
    The background colors depend on your theme settings. For example, SuperGrid makes use of an IPS styling called “ipsAreaBackground_light”. If you or the theme you are using make that color the same as your background, things might look weird, e.g. as if there padding that doesn’t belong there. 

    Thanks for the super fast reply!

    Where are those settings?
    I am using the default IPS theme, but i don't understand how this looks allright with the other blocks and not on this block. Is is a setting for the block or for the site?

    That said, i actually better like the way the block looks when i use the uper_blocks record feed instead. It fits to the rest of the blocks better, but is there a way to make the image used, higher quality (and maybe crop 22:9) ?

  18. I have just installed the Pages Supergrid, and love how nice it has made my articles page, but the block for the front page seems a bit off compared to the other blocks from you. Can you check it for me and confirm that something is broken and what i may have done wrong?

    Notice how the pages block (the one with the orange highlights, has no title, seems to have some padding, so that it does not go all the way to the edge and also has some text at the buttom, that exceeds the container it is in?




    I realised that if i use the Super_blocks record feed instead, then this looks much better, and it corrects the issues, but the images are then really low quality, and cropped too much




  19. I've rebooted my site, and now looking at setting clubs up. I already have bought Clubs Enhancements but now i see that you also sell this app called Improved Clubs. Is this any differen than clubs enhancements, do they work well together, and should i buy both or is Clubs enhancements enough?




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