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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by OrahChris

  1. Holy Shoot balls batman. My forum is about 5 years old and I've never really taken the time to run a speed test. I did (on GTmatrix) and I got a D and C specifically. ok fine whatever it's never effected our traffic all that much, I don't think. Anyway I add in the .htaccess modiciation (with some slight changes) below the rules I already had in place. I reran the test and received and A (93%) and B 83%) What exactly is going on here and why the performance jump?
  2. wow this mode is AWESOME. Thanks!!! Works perfect so far in 3.1. I've even ditched my out of date ticket system. The members love this ticket system much better. User happy = admin happy ;)
  3. Yea your probably right :) Just excited to jump the gun :lol:
  4. I've been using this skin for a while now and it's great. Any chance of a 3.1 update? (It works for the most part but the twitter/facebook login icons do not show and the second drop down menu does not show next to PM) :)
  5. The free package will be 5 people.
  6. I like the idea of hosted chat. Just one less thing for me to worry about.
  7. I'm really looking forward to this. And +1 to Bobcheese123_merged feature requests. :D Keep it up IPB Staff!
  8. Yup I turned on the exclamation points feature as well. I used to use PHPBB (not totally bad software by any means) but I would have to add so many mods just to get the simplest tasks done, many of which are included standard in IPB. Rather than spends hours adding this and that, I now have more time to spend with the community which is nice.
  9. I just came across this little gem today, who idea was this? Awesome! Nothing is more annoying than a person WHO LIKES TO YELL on every post. Nice idea, keep up the good work :D (for those of you who havn't found it yet, Tools & Settings > System Settings > Forums > Topics, Posts and Polls )
  10. OrahChris

    No Pips?

    How cool is that, now thanks to you, the whole community has red pips again. I think we'll call you Mr.Pip or maybe Mr.Backup? :D
  11. OrahChris

    No Pips?

    Took me this whole time to notice. Is there anyway to have both? In other words have pip under the rank image?
  12. OrahChris

    No Pips?

    Sorry posted in wrong thread
  13. OrahChris

    No Pips?

    So I noticed on my board that the pips are not showing. Is this because I'm using custom group ranks images?
  14. RC and BETA's are sorta like Twinkies, We know we shouldn't eat them, but we do then get fat and think, well it was a short enjoyment and now I need to work my butt of to loose weight. Maybe a bad example, but either way we laugh we cry we smash keyboards (or at least I do) and it just brings us closer as a community don't you think? Ahh a tear to my eye. Either way I love IPB, I could never go back to PHPBB *shudders* New Fanboy here for sure :D Speaking of bugs, has anyone noticed the pip images are missing on this board?
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