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Everything posted by HeadStand

  1. What permissions are you looking for, specifically?
  2. If anyone here wants to share theirs, they can.
  3. It most likely will not automatically work with it. I'll have to talk to @stoo2000 to see what I can do to make it compatible.
  4. How did I not see this post until now? 😞 No, it didn't. At the time that I wrote it, reputation was still a little more flexible and was a possibility. When IPS switched to reactions, they sort of "closed things off" in the sense that I may not be able to apply this to all content. That being said, this IS the next mod in line for a feature sweep, so I'll probably give it another go. I do not have a demo available, but perhaps some of the users in this topic may be willing to share links to their site?
  5. And when you view the subscribers for this newsletter, are you listed? Very strange that it doesn't detect it. The default templates are responsive. Beyond that, I don't have any samples - I'm terrible at this kind of thing, so I gave the most bare-boned templates possible.
  6. Sorry about that! Glad you were able to resolve it.
  7. No. Unfortunately, the Sparkpost API does not give you a list. It only allows you to search for a specific email address. Kind of silly, but not much I can do about it. 😞
  8. Probably some styling in the ACP that is being used here. The test distribution is obviously more accurate.
  9. A new version has been uploaded to the Marketplace. It contains a fix for your issue. I am unable to reproduce this issue. I subscribed myself to a newsletter in plain-text and I received it just fine. Are you able to preview the newsletter in plain-text? What do the newsletter logs say (when you view "Back Issues" for the newsletter, how many plain-text subscribers did it detect and how many were sent)?
  10. Publish your articles to Apple News! Different publish settings for individual databases Can be limited to one or more categories Map database fields to Apple News Article components (e.g. title, body) Customize the appearance of your Apple News articles Apple News articles are synched automatically with your site - published articles get published to apple, hiding an article hides it on apple, etc.
  11. I didn't say there was no way, I said there was no "easy" way. 😉 I'll try to get that done. PM coming your way.
  12. Right, because I can't really "get in there" easily to add the option. When you go to the Community Enhancements, if you turn it on over there, it takes precedence over whatever you have in the Mail Delivery Method setting.
  13. Unfortunately, the SparkPost API does not provide this option, which is why I didn't do it that way. 😞 They can stay there. They're not "hurting" anything by being there.
  14. I believe it should be hidden if you use one set AND the set is marked as required. Check the documentation on "Containers" for details on how to configure that.
  15. A new version has been uploaded to the Marketplace. Changes include: Ads that used multiple image sizes showed all available sizes. Fixed; Missing language strings in 3rd party apps threw an exception. Fixed;
  16. I misunderstood the issue. Sorry about that. I will look into this either tonight or tomorrow. This means that the video application is missing a language string, though I doubt that would cause a problem with distribution... that error would hit when you are creating the newsletter. Do you have any newsletter content configured for videos?
  17. A new version has been uploaded to the Marketplace. Changes include: Option to show newsletters on the registration page, so users can subscribe (or opt-out) when signing up Ability for club owners to manage upcoming issues for their newsletters Support for comments - you can now set up a "comment feed" that will be displayed in your newsletter, instead of just the items Issues when adding multiple advertising spots. Fixed;
  18. I have a fix for this issue already done in the next update. I'm out tonight but I will try to publish tomorrow. There were quite a few changes to the next release and I haven't had a chance to update the docs.
  19. Yes, that's what I'm talking about as well. 😉 I understood what you meant. I'm not sure that I can do it, honestly. I can try, but no guarantees. At the time that I added that particular feature, it was extremely tricky and I don't know that I'd be able to hide it completely.
  20. As I stated earlier, for a variety of technical reasons, I can't get rid of that completely.
  21. Topics are already optional. Just don't select a forum, and no topic will be created. No, sorry. Filters are only by member group.
  22. Already present. You can "View Subscribers" for each newsletter. You can also "Manage Issues" for each newsletter, which shows distribution total. Please read the documentation that is provided with the modification; this is included. This has been requested before, but I'm not going to be doing this any time in the near future. It's going to make an already complicated mod a lot more complex, and I don't have the availability right now to support all the issues that will come along with it. I'd rather not build something I can't support properly. I like this suggestion. I'll add it to my list. Again, please read the documentation. Some of these issues are explained and documented. Many of these others are due to the way that different email clients render your template. Not all clients support all HTML properties. This is just something you'll have to play with via trial and error. I don't provide support for the templates themselves; there are just too many variables at work. I suggest you start with this link: https://www.campaignmonitor.com/css/. This is from Campaign Monitor, and they provide a good guide for what is commonly supported. Not at this time. If you integrated with SendGrid or SparkPost, they take care of that for you. Thanks. I'll take a look.
  23. You CAN hook into it, as long as it's on a specific class. Meaning, you can hook into \IPS\forums\Topic, just not \IPS\Content\Reactable. Is that not sufficient for what you're doing?
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