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Posts posted by Nesa

  1. 1 minute ago, AlexWebsites said:

    Wouldn't Google only capture how many authors are part of that page /URL? If you want to test, change how many posts you show per page which will reduce or increase your topic page count. Maybe I'm wrong through.

    Yes, that sounds logical. Like you, I'm not sure...
    I've noticed that new posts, new topics do not appear on the Google Index for 10 days...and just those 10 days of delay were also mentioned by other people on this topic

  2. 4 hours ago, Matt said:

    1) Sitemaps are working fine. There's no massive problem with them that correlates with a drop in indexed pages

    Yes, they're doing great. :mad:
    Then how would you explain this?

    Google says:

    Google says that this Topic in my Forum has 25 posts written by 16 authors.

    But, reality is different:



    That Topic has 1.238 replies written by who knows how many authors.

    Who is guilty because Google does not see 98% of the posts written in this Topic?
    Who is responsible if the sitemap is working fine? Please, give me a reasonable explanation.

    If I understand your post well, IPS only wants to reduce the number of pages that are excluded, and not to increase the number of indexed pages.

  3. I got this E-mail from Google earlier today:



    Introducing the new Search Console (beta)
    To owner of https://www.fiat-lancia.org.rs/forum/,

    Search Console is introducing a redesigned product to help you manage your presence on Google Search. The new Search Console was rebuilt from the ground up to provide the tools and insights that site owners and SEOs have been asking for. You can now confirm which of your pages are indexed and get information on how to fix indexing errors. You can also monitor your performance on Google Search with 16-months of data (to enable year-over-year comparisons).


    Probably a lot of people got it. I'll go straight to look around, and see this:


    Within these 438k there are most those with redirects:


    Here are some examples of these posts that are excluded because they have redirects:




    ... and so on, has 1000 examples.

    There are lots of posts with mentions in these 1000 examples, lots of posts with quotations, posts with youtube links...
    Does this mean that Google now sees every mentions as a redirect, recognizes each quote as a redirect link, each time a link is left to another topic on the same forum Google sees that as redirect and exclude that post...What the heck???

    So, it has nothing to do with what @Lindy wrote: Ads, Backlinks, Content Freshness/Quality.
    In the case of my Forum, 77.4% of all excluded have
    the same reason: ''Page with redirect''



  4. @Lindy

    Thank you for your reply. :)

    6 hours ago, Lindy said:

    @Nesa while I understand your concerns and understand your frustration, the sitemap itself is not the cause of your issues. This was posted earlier today and was already indexed by Google hours ago. I've checked some of our larger enterprise sites and their content from today is also being indexed in a timely fashion. I just searched the topic you referenced and it too is listed.

    No, it is not listed:
    (please be patient until the full quotation is written...the same one you chose).


    6 hours ago, Lindy said:

    The big algorithm update of 2017 targeted a lot of sites with some losing as much as 90% of their traffic. Some of these sites flew under the radar with what Google considers low quality content and in Google's eyes, they were righting the scale. There are many factors that influence your position in Google, your index rate and frankly, whether or not Google just likes or hates you.

    Sorry, but the opinion that my forum lost on the index because it has bad content has nothing to do with reality:



    6 hours ago, Lindy said:

    If your site has ads that detract from the user experience and content on your site, Google WILL penalize you and that was the single most biggest hit in the "Fred" update.

    My site don't have ads that detract from the user experience and content on my site. Please, show me where those ads are on my site. Make a printscreen and mark it (such ads on my site). I only have ad in the header. These ads are in line with the content of the site, and are on the site since first day of the site (year 2009.)
    Sidebar on my site is visible only on the desktop version (less than half the total number of visits), and only on index page.

    6 hours ago, Lindy said:

    You may very well have 15 million posts, but if they're all from 2003 and you get very little new content, your old content is going to have less value to Google and they may drop it. Keep it fresh, keep users engaged.

    During January 2018, there are about 5.5k new posts in my forum. It is the same average as in the past years...
    But here's how much it gets indexed on Google (that same January):

    jan01.thumb.jpg.dab127cfb8f8966d8888fb43d2df13cd.jpg jan02.thumb.jpg.68fdec56873c1ad7b84ee69a16073fa2.jpg jan03.thumb.jpg.a7f4003efa1ce15bbc7dd9659c65ffee.jpg

    64 indexed URL's in January 2018. with over 5k posts in that same January. And, this is ok for you?

    Why did you not write anywhere that at least one line of code (written by starter of this Topic) is incorrect?
    This would be a lot better than engaging us in how our content is not relevant, and how it is old content, and how we have advertisements everywhere...and that's all is the reason for the decline in the index.

  5. @Matt @Lindy

    Would you like to make an announcement about this?

    I can give you examples as much as you want.
    Topic started on Saturday at 08:17 PM (27.01.2018.)
    Something over 50 replies written in it so far. Topic does not exist in the Google index, none of these answers exists.

    In your opinion, it's ok that the software work like this? You think that everything is fine, everything works as it should, and that there is no need to make a statement? I don't care about any new function in 4.3 if this basic function (which brings people to the forum), does not work properly.

    Actually, I'll send you a support ticket, somebody has to answer it, and I'll put everything here on a Topic...

  6. 1 hour ago, opentype said:

    But nothing discussed in this topic will lead to “Google dropping already indexed pages” as shown in Search console graphs several times. That is my point.

    But, already indexed pages are not static content ...new content is added on topics, and this new content is missing on Google because Google has not indexed it because of bad sitemap.

    Example from my Board:
    Topic started March 3, 2011, 1238 replies until now:

    If you type in Google any post written in this Topic on January 16th (or earlier), you will see that Google has indexed it, for example:


    The same sentence is indexed, here it is on Google:



    But, anything written on January 17th (or later) on this Topic, for example:


    ...still does not exist in the Google index:


    What is your explanation?
    Why I used to have the new content from Board in the same day on Google, and now here is a minimum of 10 days of delay to get new content from the Board on Google?
    Now multiply this impact with over 32.000 topics that I have on the Board, and...

  7. 23 hours ago, opentype said:

    That was just a false assumption of a single user who joined the discussion. Correlation is not causation. 

    Upgradeovec, ProSkill and me. It's not a single user.
    It is common for us to have little larger forums, ie Boards with over 700k posts.

    Sorry, but it's hard for me to accept your opinion because:
    - you never wrote that at least one line of code (written on this Topic by topic starter) is wrong.
    - the official IPS answer is that it will fix things with the sitemap.

    According to you, It turns out that everything written on this Topic is rubbish.

    I only urged this to be settled faster, and not wait for version 4.3 for a few more months. You think this will not affect the number of pages indexed by Google, I think it will.
    I am a client of this company for 10 years, and it seems to me that I have the right to ask, at least once, to resolve something faster.

  8. On 1/15/2018 at 6:50 PM, sadams101 said:

    k. In my case it is very clear that something very bad happened to IPB's site map around the end of June 2017. See below if you doubt this:


    The same situation in my Forum too:


    I've seen this big drop earlier, but I did not know what was the reason.
    This problem has to be resolved quickly, I think it can not wait for a few more months until version 4.3.0 comes out.
    We all know that if the Forum is not indexed properly, then there is no visit ---> no activity --> Forum is gone.

    @Matt @Daniel F @Lindy

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