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steve00 last won the day on October 7 2018

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  1. Strange as using FF for ages now and never had an issue like that (or at least do not recall it)
  2. Not trying to be awkward here but have you tried with a different browser (at least then can eliminate if a browser specific issue with the css or not) ?
  3. Good of you to announce this
  4. steve00

    Image size guide

    Find the logo is up to you, there is no right or wrong size (unless making image like 3000px wide then would be too large), just look at the space you have on left side and make logo slightly smaller, if want it taller then make it taller (if look at themes on my website using theme changer you will see logo's are all different sizes) Favicon size can be found using google and recommend 16px x 16px
  5. I must be missing something here as why not use the ips html code to create your columns in Pages (checkout my homepage) instead of adding more css as said I must be missing something for the reasoning (apologies if the reasoning is simple and I have missed it)
  6. As appears not getting any replies regards the issue then have removed it and find another solution myself
  7. Could this be a server issue (some setting required somewhere) asking as appears I am the only person with this problem :
  8. Thank you, much easier than deleting one by one
  9. Left it for over an hour and tried again but still same Is there an easy way to delete all the templates instead of one at a time as I tried to re-import the template.xml file and now have a second lot of templates with M03 30 18 in front of them (thought it might overwrite the original files) ?
  10. Seems strange that can edit other templates but not that one Have tried the support 'something isn't working right' ... still no different Tried a different browser and still same problem ADDED: Copied template html from the ipb default categoryHeader template and pasted into SuperHelp template and saved and it saved pasted the original SuperHelp categoryHeader into the template and still get the same error Also noticed that some of the coding in that template has different coloring (see below) Does that normally mean something wrong with the code somewhere (doesn't seem to like the + 1 or something ?
  11. Not sure why but when trying to comment out the <h1> tags in categoryHeader template and try to save am told 'this theme file could not be saved' When I uncomment what I added (so it is back to how it was originally) I still am unable to save
  12. @All Astronauts doesn't appear to be working (nothing shows up anywhere to use)
  13. block manager ... not sure if mean blocks in admincp or the block manager shown on forum main page (not admincp) ... look for the little arrow on left side of screen about half way down (only viewable if logged in as admin)
  14. Right .. understand now... thank you As good at explaining then any chance of video seeing how to add blocks (joking) Am seriously looking into this and what it can achieve for me
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