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The Pi

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by The Pi

  1. Perhaps you could create an index file with offsets for the different errors?
  2. Well, considering the size of that fixed bug list, I think you guys are doing a great job :tu: (not that I wouldn't say it anyways)
  3. Why? Because you made a post about overwriting files? :P
  4. Plus, gears wouldn't work in mobile browsers
  5. He was just posting an example. The ID can be anything as long as it is set in the JS
  6. Would probably be a quick mod. Don't see any real reason to add it right now though
  7. The Pi


    I don't think it's IPB doing it. The browser strips excess spaces (part of the HTML standard) Just double-checked it. The output from PHP has the extra space.
  8. Back on topic, is there any way you could implement (at least temporary) a way to go back to the real skin when on Lo-Fi? Kind of annoying to have to use an unfinished skin on iPhones.
  9. Wouldn't matter. That's backend processing time 0.8079 for that reply :P
  10. Doesn't work. I just tried 3 different mobile browser strings
  11. A few things: 1) If IPB3 phases out IE6 from it's code, and most webmasters upgrade (especially big networks with tons of visitors), that's the main push needed to end the IE6 horror 2) A bit earlier, I saw the argument of people not bothering to upgrade since they don't have the time. All you need to do it put up a big red banner with the words: WARNING: This site will be phasing out support for Internet Explorer 6. If you continue to use it, some features of this site will stop working. You may upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer HERE and include this link: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/worldwide-sites.aspx. Web users that haven't been smart enough to go to IE7 will think it's really important, and immediately upgrade :shifty:
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