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Everything posted by chasz

  1. LOL imagine the Iranian expats trying to post protest against the elections and have their IPs traced !! seriously, what law is specified in the IPB agreement anyways? US laws? they dont have juridictions anywhere else anyways. there are enough prevention methods like hiding the admin folder..... Besides, when is yagi releasing a torrent mod ?? ;) just kidding kiddies...
  2. yeah thanks for that, using a reverse proxy will revert IPs to localhost as well. as i said when we assure users that we wouldnt track IPs, it had better keep our words LOL.
  3. dude, obviously those features will be disabled when IP returns null....server might log but it doesnt mean particular topics should be id'ed. eg indymedia sites
  4. its NOT the admins and moderators the boss is worried about LOL Its Big Brother with Big Sticks !! LOL
  5. omg girl !!! why do you stalk me ?? a political forum should be free of IP tracking for the security of everyone !!! please, please, puhlease !! if u dont need a feature and the requested feature doesnt impact on the general mechanics of IPB forum, will u just ignore?
  6. My boss wants to know if there is an option to remove all IP tracking? something i might have missed?
  7. its one extra table, thats used for all posts, and topics. plus an extra for the announcements i would guess
  8. then cut down on the number of topics per page !!! duh !! your stickies and announcements are important. If they are all jumbled up then the forum looks untidy. besides it added another granularity that can finetune your listing. BTW, where are you pulling this 10% ? from your backside? LOL just because you cant see a use for simple query that add hardly any resource burden but help moderators do things like bumping up a topic without making a reply !! stop ya whining LOL
  9. some announcements are greater than others, it's time to put the js listing in the ACP to the front but if u dont need then dont use, let other have the feature
  10. people really need to stop calling it popup, since it does not pop up OUT of the page LOL
  11. 1. no line numbers 2. no tab 3. no search !!! whats a skinner to do?? ;)
  12. This is just a talking point (CSS level 2.1) Sorry! We found the following errors (46) URI : 17 .posted_info Value Error : lightgray is not a color value : 1pt solid lightgray URI : 115 #user_navigation Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 0 0 6px 6px 115 #user_navigation Property -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius doesn't exist : 6px 115 #user_navigation Property -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius doesn't exist : 6px 136 #user_navigation #user_link Property -moz-outline doesn't exist : 0 186 #ajax_loading Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 0 0 5px 5px 186 #ajax_loading Property -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius doesn't exist : 5px 186 #ajax_loading Property -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius doesn't exist : 5px 208 li.rating a Property -moz-outline doesn't exist : 0 214 #user_navigation #new_msg_count, .message, .popupWrapper, .poll_question h4, .reputation, .rounded Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 6px 214 #user_navigation #new_msg_count, .message, .popupWrapper, .poll_question h4, .reputation, .rounded Property -webkit-border-radius doesn't exist : 6px 216 body .maintitle Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 5px 5px 0 0 216 body .maintitle Property -webkit-border-top-left-radius doesn't exist : 5px 216 body .maintitle Property -webkit-border-top-right-radius doesn't exist : 5px 270 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :last-child 272 .popupInner Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 4px 272 .popupInner Property -webkit-border-radius doesn't exist : 4px 288 .topic_buttons li a, .topic_buttons li span Property -moz-outline doesn't exist : 0 301 ul.post_controls Value Error : Too many values or values are not recognized : inherit url() repeat-x 50% 333 #topic_mod_2 Property -moz-border-radius-topleft doesn't exist : 0 333 #topic_mod_2 Property -moz-border-radius-topright doesn't exist : 0 333 #topic_mod_2 Property -webkit-border-top-left-radius doesn't exist : 0 333 #topic_mod_2 Property -webkit-border-top-right-radius doesn't exist : 0 338 .tab_bar Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 6px 6px 0 0 338 .tab_bar Property -webkit-border-top-left-radius doesn't exist : 6px 338 .tab_bar Property -webkit-border-top-right-radius doesn't exist : 6px 345 .tab_bar li.active Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 4px 4px 0 0 345 .tab_bar li.active Property -webkit-border-top-left-radius doesn't exist : 4px 345 .tab_bar li.active Property -webkit-border-top-right-radius doesn't exist : 4px 366 .user_controls li a Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 4px 366 .user_controls li a Property -webkit-border-radius doesn't exist : 4px 373 a.toggle Property -moz-outline doesn't exist : 0 377 .sidebar_toggle Property -moz-outline doesn't exist : 0 377 #open_sidebar.sidebar_toggle Property -moz-border-radius-top-right doesn't exist : 0 377 #open_sidebar.sidebar_toggle Property -moz-border-radius-bottom-right doesn't exist : 0 377 #open_sidebar.sidebar_toggle Property -webkit-border-top-right-radius doesn't exist : 0 377 #open_sidebar.sidebar_toggle Property -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius doesn't exist : 0 392 .active_users span.name Value Error : only 0 can be a length. You must put a unit after your number : 0.9 413 .topic_prefix Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 3px 413 .topic_prefix Property -webkit-border-radius doesn't exist : 3px 446 .rep_bar Property -moz-border-radius-topleft doesn't exist : 5px 446 .rep_bar Property -webkit-border-top-left-radius doesn't exist : 5px 547 #prevLink, #nextLink Value Error : attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it 0 #prevLink, #nextLink Value Error : Parse Error null 547 #prevLink, #nextLink Property data doesn't exist : image/gif 547 #prevLink, #nextLink Parse Error base64,AAAA) W3C CSS Validator results for http://forums.invisionpower.com/indexhttp://forums.invisionpower.com/public/style_css/css_1/ipb_print.cssborder-bottomhttp://forums.invisionpower.com/public/min/index.php?f=public/style_css/css_1/calendar_select.css,public/style_css/css_1/ipb_editor.css,public/style_css/css_1/ipb_styles.cssbackgroundhttp://forums.invisionpower.com/public/style_images/master/gradient_bg.pngfont-sizebackground-imagebackground-image
  13. if u click the back button then you are removed from the normal process. there should be a cookie setting to prevent reporting multi times?
  14. To use a drupal term "weight" as in lighter float to the top and not content significance ! although floating to the top makes it more significant. pinned topics should reorder according to weight weight of 0 of course reverts back to the general list ordering. and it should be ajaxed in with the other moderations options ;)
  15. there s a mod for this in 2.3x for a while; most if not all ipb3 features have origin in most wanted mods
  16. chasz

    Essential Features

    lol i am new to mysql, but you dont need to copy the full topics/posts table, you can do an association based on the post/topic id. doing a comparison like the skins difference check is the next logical step
  17. my sentinemts exactly !! LOL no tab is a pain
  18. chasz

    Essential Features

    kick it out to another table !!
  19. chasz

    Essential Features

    1. need that tagging system to help search !!! but dont need it on the forumview !!! TOO MUCH CLUTTER. tagging topics, forums and users 2. need the revision history so the users can revert to earlier post, 1-3 revision is amble backup
  20. well there needs to be a switch for the navigation! its getting crowded up there
  21. but it has no tab functions !!!! and so sensitive !! press shift and it think u edited something
  22. there s some bottle neck somewhere, 90% of the times it working but sometimes it lags.... maybe this board was being upgraded? but it needs to be optimised, and i dont think we will see it till 3.2, in 12 months
  23. why dont i have that from the normal editor when i press the new topic button on here? EDIT: that thing only allows you to see the source, that other button allows switch between editors, but there is no difference in editors LOL just the functions are parsed into the RTE
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