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Posts posted by TSP

  1. I agree. I love the auto-expand editor for simple posts, but whenever I make longer posts and want to apply formatting it becomes tedious if I want to do something else than underline, italic and bold (ctrl + u/i/b) further down in the post.

    Now I need to select text, scroll up, choose a style, scroll down to see how it looks, scroll up to do changes, scroll down to review again etc. Sometimes I might even be confused as to what I have currently selected and need to scroll down just to double check that.

    So I would want some solution here, but I personally like the auto-expand up until the point I wish to apply formatting. So a solution for me would not be to have the editor area be a fixed height.

    So either fixed toolbar (could be minimized until clicked or hovering some toggle button) or a toggle that would allow me to make the editor a fixed height temporarily would be preferred solutions.

  2. quoted from other topic.

    The primary problem with moving topics is verifying source and destination permissions. It may be something that can be added, but it's difficult when each source topic can be in a different forum.

    I can't understand it would be that hard to implement.

    First you check if the user can move topics at all. If he can move topics, great! Show the option.

    Then when the moderator cliks ok you send them to the "Are you sure you want to move these topics"-screen. But the difference this time is that you also show a message like: "Sorry, you do not have priviligies to move some or all of these topics. The topics you can't move is: ..."

    If they can move all topics the message won't be displayed. Then beneath that message you can have the usual "Are you sure you want to move these topics", with the usual checkboxes next to them.

    You could also write it like this in the moderator option menu in the search "Move topics (Might be restricted)".

  3. Actually I am against to delete posts, because quite often the threads became "nonsense" after removing them. <_<

    So you dont delete all the posts to spam users that've posted 50 posts with content like "Buy Viagra Here!!"?

    But I see your point Matt and Miachael. But I didn't know that the stat resets, I thought you had to do that manually from the ACP. Is the automatically resetting something you've added to IPB 3? And does it reset even though it gets deleted/moved to the trash can?
  4. I think you misunderstand. This would not require a new text field, drop down box or anything (maybe a new database field?). I already know that the field "reason for warn" is required, and you can include the information in there. However it doesn't include the actions you chosed. The only actions it includes is whether you increased, decreased, did not change or custom changed the warn level.

    An example; I choose to suspend a member 5 days, if I want to include this information today I have to write myself: "The member received 5 days suspension for doing this". But sometimes I wont remember to put this information inside the reason field or I could write the wrong information. What I mean is that if I choose to give the member a 5 days suspension, it would in the warn log be included automatically. For example it would be written "5 days suspension" if that was the action I chose.

  5. Hello, I find it a bit weird that when viewing the warn log you can't see for how long the user was suspended etc. This means that it needs to be written into the warn reason field, something you could easily forget. So I think that in addition to the information about whether you increased, decreased, did not change or custom changed warn level, there should be information about the "punishment" (suspension, all posts got unapproved/approved, ban etc).

  6. Hi, I believe that you in the future should add more trash can options, since the trash can is quite special.

    While I do want moderators to see the trash can, I dont want them to be able to edit or delete posts when they are located in the trash can. But I still want them to be able to move back posts or topics for example. Therefore I atleast think it should be possible to choose what moderator alternatives that can be used by moderators and/or administrators in the trash can.

  7. Okay? I dont see how it could be more dangerous than the fact that moderators that have access to the trash can, can delete all the posts there aswell. In my opinion this should also include an if check to check if there: 1) Is a trash can 2) If the posts are in the trash can. Probarbly, a better way of saying what I want is to suggest the possibillity to "move to trash can" instead. :)

  8. Hi, in IPB 3 you added the possibillity to approve/unapprove either all replies/topics or all replies/topics within the last X days/hours by a member when giving the member a warn. I'll show you what I mean in the picture:


    I think you should add the choice "Delete" aswell, so the members replies and/or topics is sent to the trash can.

  9. Yes, I know. I myself were one of the people suggesting that you should add the reported content, and I'm happy you did add the reported content, but we forgot to think about the fact that it wouldn't be possible to easily add hide/show functionality in the skins. You say it wouldn't be hard to add this to future versions, would it be possible to add it to the release version of IPB 3? Or is that totally feature locked?

  10. Hi. I've started to test and take notes on how IPB 3 could be improved. I know this probarbly is something you can't add at the moment since IPB 3.0 is feature locked. But I think it should be changed to be this way in the feature. To me it seems that the reported content (inside the quote) and the report reason is stored in the same database field. This gives some limitations. You can't modify the skin so you easily can add the possibillity to hide the quotes. Hiding the quotes and only showing it when requested would be a good addition because then it wouldn't take forever to go down to the comment field. (Yes, I know I can click "page down", but I hope you get my point. If long posts gets reported it's good to have the possibillity to hide it, to make it easier to see the comments and the report reasons.)

    I wouldn't complain about the missing possibillity to hide it if the information was stored in two database fields, since I probarbly could've added it myself by editing the template, but since it's stored in the same databasefield, the only way to do it is by changing the php-files, and that is something I dont want to do too much.

  11. I think cross-postings isn't the correct word here. Mirroring would be a better description. And I think you can use the "moved"-function for this - with a few modifications. Though, I have no idea how it's built - so I may be wrong.

    For example, in the drop down menu you could get this option to mirror topic. And then you could choose one or more categories to mirror the topic in. (As you would chose a category to move it to if you moved it) The topic would then be mirrored in those categories. I don't have any good knowledge about how your forum system works (haven't looked a lot on the code). Mirrored topics would've the prefix "Mirror:".

    So to answer your questions Mark.
    1. Yes, this may be a problem. :)
    2. I don't think it will be a problem. The topic still is in one chosen category. So if you can't access the main category, then you can't follow the mirror links. (And it would be a little weird to mirror a link to a forum with less user permissions than those in the main category anyway.)
    3. You can't move a topic with the prefix "Mirror:". You will get an error message and/or the option to change which categories the mirror links shall be in or the option to move the topic in the main category with the information on where the topic is located (the "main category").
    4. No, you delete the mirror-link, nothing else. Just as you can delete an moved topic link.
    5. I don't see how it will be harder after..?
    6. You could move the topic (not the mirrors)

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