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Bill Edwards

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Posts posted by Bill Edwards

  1. As the plugin author is unable to help, I need to find a way forward and I would appreciate your assistance.

    What are my options?

    Put up with the Mod Queue anomaly? Does this mean that I will be denied support for any matter now as I have used a plugin?

    Delete my entire forum and start again?

    If I delete ALL third party plugins and go back to base software will you be able to help?

    I appreciate you won't help, but I still need to find a way out of this mess - even if I'm to blame for it!

  2. Really?

    Neither of the issues has ANYTHING to do with the copy.

    Is there a way to force a recount requires a simple yes or no answer - a recount would be a core software function. You can't answer that?

    We've had issues in the past - documented with you whereby the Mod Queue gets out of sync (nothing to do with copying) and in the past you've zero'ed it. You can't do that as you have in the past?


  3. Good Day

    We have recently copied https://www.fun-fairs.co.uk/forum/48-rides-list-full-info-restricted-to-forum-supporters/



    However the post counts for the two differ wildly. Is there a way to force a recount??

    Secondly - The first forum shows there is one post awaiting action on Moderation Queue, the second shows 5815 - However there are no posts needing attention.

    Any help gratefully recieved.

    Many thanks


  4. Good Day

    I want a member to be able to Moderate one forum only, i.e. not be a full Moderator but be able to look after one forum. I've done it before, but I can't for the life of me remember how. I've had a play and added him as a new Moderator Group, Restricted - the other one I did allowed me to add certain forums, but for this new one, there isn't the option.

    Any help gratefully received.


    Many thanks



  5. Dear All

    I haven't looked at updates recently, nor browsed here - I've very much moved away from running a "forum" and now concentrate on running our "community". The result is I am behind what the software actually does, features etc.

    Today, a Moderator reported that he was editing a post when he was confronted with a "Human Puzzle", which took three attempts to solve and then when he did solve it, the software didn't take him back to his edited post. I tried and pretty much had the same result.

    How do I turn this "feature" (pain in the rear!) OFF?? (I've searched the ACP and done a serach here with no result)

    Many thanks



  6. 12 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Sorry, as mentioned in our reply, escalations can take some times as our developers triage all issues and review your issue at hand. I apologize for the delay. Though, I am glad to hear that the issue has fixed itself.

    Perhaps I didn't make myself clear?? The issue disappeared. I asked via email if it had been fixed or had fixed itself. I didn't receive a reply.  Until you said in your reply "the issue has fixed itself", I was in the dark! This is akin to pulling teeth lol

  7. I received an email on the 1st saying this was going to need further investigation.

    I replied to the email on the 7th:

    I haven't had an update on this issue. It appears to have corrected itself.
    Have you fixed it and not told me? Has it just sorted itself out? As this isn't the first time we've encountered this issue any help would be gratefully received.
    Many thanks
    Bill Edwards

    I haven't heard from anyone. Am I being impatient or has this slipped through the net??

    Many thanks


  8. 7 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    ACP -> Members -> Profiles -> edit your Profile Field -> Display format for profiles -> Use custom formatting -> Custom profile formatting.

    I know it's my lack of knowledge and I appreciate your patience, but I can't find this. Following your instructions I get to

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    And can't see any "Display format for profiles"

  9. On 2/4/2022 at 7:52 AM, Duken said:

    Thx, also updated to the new version. But the custom profiles are not showing correctly


    Fixed, you need to edit the "Custom topic formatting" . It says: <span class="ft">{$title}: </span><span class="fc">{$content}</span>. Just remove it 🙂

    Please could someone help me find what I need to edit - "Custom topic formatting". I've tried searching but can't find it. Any help gratefully received.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Smokey-Rev said:

    If your forum works when add-ons/plugins are disabled. I would go through one by one and re-enable each add-on and see which one is causing your site to break, then remove or update that add-on/add-ons accordingly.


    I'm doing that, but I am already $30 and 2 hours down - time and money I can't afford and will have to re-evaluate if this is to be a monthly occurance

  11. 1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    It does need to be noted here that while I appreciate there is a notice about an upgrade, this is a notice showing only to yourself, and there is nothing forcing you to immediately update.

    I have disabled all 3rd party items on your site, which has corrected the issue there. You have many items which are not currently up to date, and is likely what is causing you issues


    There should be an option to permenantly hide the upgrade notice. I was happy with my site, the way it was running, it's peformance etc. It was doing what we needed it to do - now it isn't. That isn't progress. I ignored the message for over a week, then came an email urging me to upgrade. That is nagging! I went CiC because I wanted a working forum, this is just aggravation I don't want or need - now  the 3rd party party add-ons we need and our users expect are gone, either leading to a poorer forum or a load more work and expense, it's not what I need right now.

    The upgrade process told me some add-ons were incompatible and would be disabled. At no point was I informed that upgrading would break the forum requiring intervention from Tech Support! At the last upgrade the process disabled our 'sort by first letter of topic' add-on, but the upgrade did finish. I consulted the author who said it WAS compatible, I reabled it without issue and it's worked since.

    Sorry, but if this is to be a monthly occurance then CiC ISN'T the simple solution to our problems I wanted and I will need to seek a solution elsewhere 😞

  12. Had a working site until nagged to point of frustration to upgrade and now I can't access my site or admin page 😞

    Main access page:

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Admin page:

    Could contain: Page, Text

    My site was working very well for us and I was happy to stay on the previous version, but the nag screens turned into nagging emails. I just wish we could have stayed as we were. It's getting tedious now with too frequent upgrades. "Upgrade", seems to be mis-named. From working to inaccessible doesn't seem to be an "upgrade" 😞

  13. Hi

    Our site at www.fun-fairs.co.uk has been down for over an hour. Can't access the site or the Admin Panel. 


    This page isn’t working

    www.fun-fairs.co.uk is currently unable to handle this request.

    HTTP ERROR 500

    Any help gratefully received.

    Many Thanks

    Bill Edwards

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