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Everything posted by pilotguy

  1. No problem! I use this app but hadn't updated yet to 1.0.2. It's such a great application so why not help out right!
  2. No prob! I'll uninstall this for now.
  3. Just got a TON of your Just a Test message
  4. Send it to ADMINS only please. the administrator group.
  5. Ok I sent you access details. I just had two users report they are being spammed with the same message over and over again now too.
  6. Hmm. @Adriano Faria - I can't seem to even be able to send the PMs now. I will try a fresh install. Right now when I send I get this:
  7. @Adriano Faria - No, BUT I will install it and send out a test PM to my members and see what happens.
  8. Ahhh ok I see. That's kind of a bummer BUT also explains it. Thanks for your help.
  9. Is there some trick to this? It shows nothing yet I have plenty of posts with videos. Permissions are set.
  10. Those numbers look like the "name" that gets assigned to new sign ins using Facebook or Twitter/Google before the user verifies their account and picks a name.
  11. ah ok. Sorry I just sent you the PM as soon as you replied here. Disregard then.
  12. @Adriano Faria - I purchased this product BUT I can't download it. I get a screen with this: and a bunch of stuff with KEYS in it (which is why I didn't include the rest of this in the screen shot.)
  13. This is not working as intended on - Instead of a ticker say for 5 topics... it just shows a list of 5 topics stacked one on top of the other. Like in a listing format. Please disregard - It appears to be a theme issue. Works on the default theme just fine.
  14. No worries... Worth a shot.
  15. Lol!! Sorry. ECAs are what allow plugins and applications to be used in @Kevin Carwile Rules automation program. Wish I could remember what it stood for. Anyway your bulk pm and his automation rules would be a match made in heaven. For me anyway
  16. @Adriano Faria any chance you might add ECAs to this at some point?
  17. @Mike John - Check your tickets and PM @ DevFuse
  18. Easy to do! ACP -> Customization -> Languages -> Translate Search for "donations" and then find the block you wish to edit, and change the name there.
  19. @Mike John - I keep getting this error when attempting to donate (I'm using my personal account to donate to my site account in this case) I have IPN turned on and my account email is correct. I tried donating through commerce which works. I want to use this app though as it's more flexible with user group promotions. Any ideas here?
  20. @Adriano Faria - Ok after a few days here, and @ehren. looking into his themes, this isn't a theme issue. All themes are up-to-date and current. If you click on the +Create drop down and select "Create Invitation" a popup appears allowing you to do so (make an invitation.) The little ticket icon in the user menu bar however takes you to your account settings but with nowhere to input any invitation information. If that popup had some sort of visible URL to it, I could come up with a functional solution however I can't even create a menu item with a URL in the meantime, essentially making this useless right now, which is a big deal for me as this site allows registrations through invitations only. Also, a majority of my users are on MOBILE devices - The invitation options doesn't even show up. So again, some sort of shortcut that I could use in a menu would be beneficial right now. Any help you could provide would be huge right now. Edit: I did not realize there was an update out for this. THIS solved my issue and all is working quite well again.
  21. @ehren. - Ok I'll contact you at ipsfocus as I don't want the support topic for Adrianos system to turn into a theme support topic.
  22. Ok. Thanks at @Adriano Faria. I'll contact @ehren. to look into a solution.
  23. @Adriano Faria - Loving this system and it's working quite well. One thing I've discovered and I'm wondering if you can shed some light on this. I'm using the Brave theme from @ehren. at ipsfocus.com. It's a great theme! I also use his Dimension Theme. Dimension is a lighter coloured theme while Brave is dark. On brave, when selecting send invitation it takes you to the appropriate place but nothing shows up in the way of text fields for user name and email. No submit button can be seen. Here's a screen shot of what I mean. You can see from the URL that it is on the right page but nothing shows. And a screenshot of it working as intended in the other (Dimension) theme: I'm not sure if this is a theme issue or something with the plugin. Just one more thing I've noticed in addition to this. When using small devices such as iphones, the invite option isn't available anywhere in the menus.
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