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Everything posted by pilotguy

  1. I'm not seeing it there either. You can see in the screen cap when I first installed this, I somehow approved an application, but I don't see how to now:
  2. I have 3 applications that have been submitted, yet from the ModCP, the approval queue is empty...none of them have been approved though.
  3. @Adriano Faria - So again thanks for the code. Played around a bit with it. I finally opted to leave it as is and apply an exchange rate for points - usd. So, members have options to pay with two forms of payment instead of just points.
  4. I don;t want a currency created. I guess what I'm asking is how to format the output when someone goes to "buy" a ticket.. That is all. Not create a currency. I just want $200.00 to turn into "200 points" in the buy ticket window. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Anyway I understand. Not possible.
  5. Sorry I was just asking...
  6. Ok - Could you possibly add an option that would allow someone creating a raffle to display the price in POINTS from Points Economy??
  7. @Adriano Faria Hey quick question. Is there ANY WAY I can change the currency type when showing ticket prices. I know I could add a fake currency to commerce but I don't want to do that. For example I have raffle items that cost 200 POINTS, but users are scarred a bit when they see $200.00 >> USD << So I want to be able to edit USD for the raffles system to read PTS. I couldn't find anything in translations. I'm open to try anything, I just need an idea of where to look and what I could do.
  8. How would I exactly go about doing that? Can't wait!!
  9. @TAMAN Another request. The community I have really is loving your theme BUT the lack of a background picker is a bummer. I know you have one, but it is tied into the SLIDER which really isn't that handy at the end of the day. For example I have a memorial announcement banner up right now for a member who passed away... wouldn't really make sense to have that as a background. If you think of the sliders as more promotional tools, I think you would see where I am coming from. A separate selection for background selection would be really nice.
  10. @TAMAN - Would you be able to via a DM direct me on how to add more SLIDERS in the Theme config?? I'd like more than 5 to configure. Like 10,15 or 20+
  11. Adriano Faria FTW!! Thanks!! Fixed the group add issue.
  12. I can`t access or download from your site. I do have an account.
  13. Ok. I get the progress bar but nothing gets added. I'll keep my eyes open here tomorrow. Thanks friend.
  14. @Adriano Faria - The GROUP add feature appears to do nothing? I've added a group with 77 members in it, and it shows ZERO participants. Is this a scheduled task?
  15. How do I use this with the RULES AUTOMATION?? I can't see any options when trying to build a rule for this. Or is it complicated??
  16. Working!!! How are winners announced??
  17. @Adriano Faria When I go to purchase a ticket... I get this now: ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\raffles\_Raffle::getMyNumberOfTickets(), 0 passed in /var/www/html/applications/raffles/modules/front/raffles/view.php on line 377 and exactly 1 expected (0) #0 /var/www/html/applications/raffles/modules/front/raffles/view.php(377): IPS\raffles\_Raffle->getMyNumberOfTickets() #1 /var/www/html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\raffles\modules\front\raffles\_view->participateRaffle() #2 /var/www/html/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 /var/www/html/applications/raffles/modules/front/raffles/view.php(58): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #4 /var/www/html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\raffles\modules\front\raffles\_view->execute() #5 /var/www/html/index.php(12): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main} That's with 1, 5, or unlimited as a ticket option.
  18. Any idea on when the update will be live Sorry to be a pest... just really excited to get this thing going!
  19. No sir - My SQL version didn't change Bummer that changes they made are messing this up. Oh well, I like the app so I'll patiently wait for an update. Thanks @Ryan H. I'm using it on 4.2, and from what I can tell it MOSTLY is working in 4.2. The "tags" seem to be an issue though (see above posts) but aside from that it's working great.
  20. @Ryan H. Since the update to 4.2... Could you shed some light on this? I should have mentioned this only happens when selecting "tags" in the menu. "Prefixes" and all other options are working.
  21. I used 1 and then tried again with 5 for the "tickets per member" also tried with UNLIMITED checked off. No worries as I know you are away from "base" so-to-speak. You have access when/if you need it. Let me know when you are done with the account and I will remove it. Cheers Adriano. P.S. You make excellent apps/plugins! Keep up the great work. Little bugs along the way or unique issues are to be expected.
  22. No dice. Now I place a value in there and click BUY TICKET... "Something went wrong"
  23. Ok. So I created a new raffle - set to 1 then checked UNLIMITED... Same as picture above. Let me try a test with an actual limit...
  24. Yep I'm positive. I'll DM you access details
  25. @Adriano Faria I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I setup a new raffle - Restrictions are all off essentially (just testing.) I set a ticket price and login with a test member account. In the permissions this member account has permission to PARTICIPATE. When I go to BUY TICKETS I get this: The error is confusing to me as I have NO LIMITS set - "UNRESTRICTED" is checked off.
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