Everything posted by Randy Calvert
Movie pages are excluded by noindex meta tag
I’m not sure you want IPS to do here. This is a third party resource. They’re not going to change the core software for something developed by someone else. I get you’re wanting to improve SEO, but this is not an IPS problem to solve since it’s not broken in the unmodified software.
Issue with updrading to 4.7.17: file not found
I would recommend looking at the permissions of other files comparing them. They should essentially match. Once you set them, I would check again to make sure the change actually took effect. Ultimately file ownership and permissions is a server level function. IPS is a software package, it can't control your server or set these things for you. If your host won't assist with server level issues, I would highly recommend a new host.
General Configuration - Social profiles - Mastodon
This is not in the current 5.x alphas.
Improving Multilingual Capabilities
This is not something likely to occur. It’s not something talked about previously and IPS does not have teams of non-English speakers on staff to translate. If it is something they include by default, it becomes something they must maintain. Given the lack of resources to do so, it’s unlikely to occur.
Seeking Help & Guidance with Email Setup (Cloud)
I obviously don’t have your numbers and I don’t even know if IPS would. Those numbers are not broken down anywhere. However as I used SES for a long time, I saw my own numbers. If it is all transactional emails such as users registering, PM notifications, etc… that number will be pretty low. My site has 200-400 users at a time with more than 15K total users. We would generate no more than 100-200 in an hour. (Most mail providers don’t look at mails per hour and instead have a limit of mails per second.) But if you’re doing mass mailings to users, that number would be dramatically higher.
Facebook login: Migrate from one Facebook app to another
This would be a Facebook issue. They're the ones actually doing the authorization and passing back the "valid" token. The issue is not on the IPB side, but instead on the Facebook side. Personally with the way Facebook continually changes its rules all the time, I would suggest migrating users away from it. Eventually down the road, they're going to make it even more difficult for small non-mega sites to leverage the solution and you'll have even more problems later OR... you'll find them change their rules one day without telling you and you find the app does not work without any notice and you're dealing with the fire drill at a time when it's super bad for you.
Inefficient Forum Listings
If you're going to list 20k forums, you're talking about a page that would scroll FOREVER and a bad user experience.
Pages Database Depreciating?
While I don’t know the plan for wiki style editing, Pages itself is not deprecated. In fact, Pages gets a bunch of nice enhancements in 5.x and is not going away anytime soon. Also the official depreciation tracker is here: https://invisioncommunity.com/deprecation-tracker/ It does not mention anything about the wiki style editing being removed, so I would venture a reasonable guess to say it’s not scheduled for removal. In terms of “5 years”, it’s next to impossible to say what will happen in that time. As far as we know, aliens take over the world in 4 years! IPS is focused on releasing 5.0 and not 5.5. So I would not expect them to comment on things that far out and I doubt they have any real plans that far anyway. 🙂
Wild card in admin CP - search
What you’re looking to do is not possible in the base software. htaccess is not aware of a logged in user credential or permission so it would not work. You would need some sort of third party resource to do what you want.
Wild card in admin CP - search
You can block single IPs or blocks of IPs through .htaccess but that’s completely not associated with IPB. Thats a server level function. https://htaccessbook.com/block-ip-address/
DKIM for PHP mails?
While I was still self hosted, I 100 percent set it up outside of IPB. If you’re using a control panel like cpanel, Plesk or DirectAdmin, they’ll do it for you. There is nothing that IPS can do that would make it easier because even if they generated a DKIM private key for you, it could not be installed. If you actually need help generating the private key, instead of having IPB do it … there are tons of generators online. https://powerdmarc.com/dkim-record-generator/ You’re asking IPB to do the equivalent of configuring your mail server. These are the high level steps for setting up DKIM: Generate a key pair: You can use your email service provider or DNS management platform to generate a unique cryptographic key pair for your domain. The tool you use will depend on your operating system. 1. Create a TXT record: Add the public DKIM key as a TXT record in your domain's DNS settings. — This is gone with a generator like above. 2. Configure your email server: Enable DKIM signing in your email server or sending platform. — This is done by your control panel or hosting provider (or via SSH root). 3. Test your setup: Verify that DKIM signing is turned on and that DKIM authentication is working. — This is done by you. There is no step in this process where IPB can be realistically inserted in a valuable way. DKIM is not “inserted” into emails. It’s done by the mail server as a signature from what actually sent it. It’s added by your mail server not the raw sent message. Once DKIM is setup, it applied to ANYTHING sent by the mail server for your domain including other PHP scripts your site. Think of it as an hosting account (or root) level function and not a script level function.
DKIM for PHP mails?
DKIM has nothing to do with the software. It’s a server level / DNS level function. This is technically impossible for IPS to do for self hosted customers.
Upgrade IPB 4.7.17
This did not happen on my upgrades.
Member Merge - Some posts merged correctly, some show as "Guest"
When you login to the ACP, is there any activities listed in the background processes section of the dashboard?
Member Merge - Some posts merged correctly, some show as "Guest"
I’ve noticed if it’s an account with a lot of posts, merging accounts sometimes show up as guest until the process 100 pct finishes. Have you confirmed the merge activity is actually fully complete. Moving to the new account looks to be the last thing done.
Group Promotions Not Working
In looking at the IPB API, it looks like you can get the last login date/time from it. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=core/members/GETitem You could have a script created that checks members and then uses the same endpoint as a post to change the member group ID.
Group Promotions Not Working
As @teraßyte noted, promotion rules do not just run on some automatic schedule. Instead they run when a pre-determined action is run. This means the rule you want would not trigger because the user never actually logs in. The login would trigger the move from A to B. There is no way to move someone from B to A simply for not logging in. This would require some sort of third party modification to do.
Titles of clubs on another language
This is not something in the IPB 5 alpha so far. So I would not expect it in 5.0.0 when it's eventually released. While it does not exist today, that does not mean it won't be considered later, thus Marc's "currently" comment. IPS generally does not talk about its roadmap until it's very close to finished. So I would not expect them to comment about it now or anytime really soon. They're going to be heads down focused on getting 5.0 out the door. The best suggestion for now would be to make a request in the feedback forum.
Too many processes - web site offline
Randy Calvert replied to ntrivilino@alice.it's post in a topic in Classic self-hosted technical helpFrom that screenshot, you are not even using 60 processes. So take from that what you will…
504 Timeout or weird symbols when uploading a file
There is no way to say what value to use. This depends on your server resources, how PHP is used (CGI, FPM, etc), and what else the server is doing. IPS cannot tell folks how to specifically configure their server. Instead individuals are recommended to know how to manage and troubleshoot their server or use the IPS cloud solution which would not require configuring things like Apache, PHP, mySQL, etc.
Titles of clubs on another language
Titles of clubs are (or can be) user generated. As a result, this is not possible. (It would be the same reason why each post made by a user could not be translated automatically.)
Nginx Configuration Issue
Glad it worked for you!
Nginx Configuration Issue
IPS does not officially support nginx, however there are htaccess to nginx converters out there online. An example is: https://www.getpagespeed.com/apache-to-nginx However as this is not something IPS helps troubleshoot or support. There are several people who have successfully converted the htaccess however based on searching the forums here.
How to remove Commerce from my plan?
If you are planning to upgrade to IPB5… there is no longer a concept of a-la-cart modules. All of them will be included. If you are planning to stick with IPB 4, click the contact us link at the bottom of the page and submit a request to the account teams.
Steps to move from Windows to Ubuntu
I’m glad you got it squared away! 🙂