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Randy Calvert

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. While you are at it, I'm sure you could make yourself useful and rake the leaves and polish Lindy's car. :)
  2. What does "this site" have anything to do with how others are saying things like "I tell my members to search but it sucks", or how it's "atrocious"? How IPS choses to apply the settings for their own corporate board should not matter if you configure your own board the way you want, right? If your complaint is how IPS configrued their own board, I suppose there really is not that much of a problem. ;)
  3. Those complaining about the time... why not just change the setting for it in the ACP?
  4. How can you control the file size of an image hosted on a remote server? The software does not control it in any way and cannot know it's size until called. Even if we were to say when the user submits the image link.... and IPB checked it to make sure it was below some threshold, what's to stop that image from being changed (since it's on a remote server which the board has no control over)? The only way to prevent this is to disable remote linking entirely (which is just a setting change).
  5. Why can I picture Charles sitting at his desk wearing a t-shirt with "SHOW ME THE MONEY" on it right now? :)
  6. And this is exactly why they generally don't. If something happens that keeps it from happening, people say "But you promised it in this thread right here. See that thread, they said it was going to happen, but it did not! OMG IPS IS HORRIBLE! I can't do my new site and the world is ending... oh what a world, what a world!" OK... so I'm being a bit sarcastic there, lol. However when something happens that keeps a date from being released, people tend to freak out. As someone who deals with managing user exceptions at work, I know exactly where they're coming from with being reluctant to give any kind of dates.
  7. Works fine for me. Again, works fine for me. Ummm.... not sure what you mean "decent". If you don't like the look/feel then by all means... design one you think is better or grab one from the various resource sites.
  8. And remember... there are no such things as "bugs". Just unannounced features.
  9. I can just see it now... Charles> Hey guys... I found a bug. bfarber> Here... have a can of raid. Go back to your office. Charles> No seriously guys... I found a bug! Matt> Yeah, and I'm Madonna. :ph34r:
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