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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by VaBeach_Guy

  1. 9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    In the first instance, please update your site to the latest release and test this again. However I would say, that appears to be coming from imagemagick on your server.

    Thanks, whatever it was, it seems to have resolved itself overnight. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    You will want to read the rest of my post to see how to restrict guests from viewing profile. There is a guide I linked to which will detail how to disable permissions on modules 😉 

    I did read it all and went into that area and didn't find the settings. Why didn't I find them? Because the area that I needed to go into was right in front of me and I didn't notice it lol. 

    After looking 3 or 4 times, I finally noticed it. It did remove the permission for viewing profiles, but I'll have to dig into it deeper (as has been said), to do what I'd like to do. 

    It's not a HUGE problem, just an annoyance. So if I can't do what I'd like to do, it's not a big deal. But I do wish it was a set option.

  3. Is there a way to prevent avatar/profile images from displaying for guests?

    I ask because there's a few avatars on my site that are of bikini clad women, nothing containing nudity or anything like that, but the Google AdSense system thinks they're 'porn' and I constantly get 'nasty grams' from them telling me that ad serving to particular pages is disabled due to sexual content. I dispute it for a manual review and they reverse the action. Not a real big deal, but annoying.

    If I can prevent AdSense from seeing the images, problem solved. But I'm not seeing any settings that might accomplish this. Is there a way to do this?

  4. On 9/18/2023 at 4:53 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    No problem. Please let us know

    Apparently, either I or Adsense enabled auto ads in April, because it's been running for that long and I've either forgotten or just didn't know. But, it hasn't been an issue for all this time.

    Maybe it was an issue before my upgrade (which hadn't been done since 2020), but it's not an issue now.

  5. On 7/17/2023 at 2:49 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Im not sure one relates to the other. You can have auto ads and still exclude usergroups

    In the past when I tried auto ads, it displayed for everyone even thought I had members excluded. 

    I want to exclude members for a couple of reasons. One, as a benefit of membership, they see no ads. Two, members tend to want to 'help' the board earn money by click, click, clicking as many ads as possible, and that will cause Google to eliminate our ability to have ads. 

  6. On 5/13/2023 at 9:15 AM, Jim M said:

    Yes, many of our clients have had success with hCAPTCHA. You can increase the "Passing Threshold" in hCAPTCHA to "Difficult" and this will also make it harder to pass for bots.

    So far, so good. Since switching, there's been zero fake registrations whereas before that, there were dozens (or more) per day. 

  7. We aren't getting spam posts, but we are getting A LOT of registrations that, if approved, would lead to spam posts. 

    We're using Invisible reCAPTCHA, would one of the other options be better than that one?

  8.  When you do a live stream or a video premiere on YouTube, a live chat is also included for viewers to interact in real time. 

    There's a way (apparently), to embed this in a website, but so far I haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work in a thread. The code is pasted below (with generic YouTube and URL info).

    Does anyone know how to make this work in a thread?


    <iframe width=”350px” height=”500px” src=”https://www.youtube.com/live_chat?v=yourvideoid&embed_domain=yourdomainnamegoeshere.com” ></iframe>


  9. 52 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    All of these posts are visible and not hidden? Have you tried rebuilding your search index? (ACP -> System -> Search -> Rebuild Search Index)

    The one that wouldn't unarchive (on its own), is ok now. The other thread is fully visible, but the 'most recent post', only covers up to the first 100 pages of the thread (over 1500 pages).

    All of the posts are there, and if you click on 'January 1' to take you to the most recent post, it actually takes you to the real last post in the thread. So it's just that 'January 1' date and the member who posted it, that's not right (Feb 14 and a different member are correct). 

    Might that self-correct or is it just a little glitch?

    Could contain: Page, Text, Person, Cutlery


  10. 12 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    We would need a link to that topic also

    That was a weird situation, maybe because it was hidden. But unhiding it seems to have done the trick and unarchived it also so I was able to do what I wanted to do. 

    A new situation though, which isn't a huge issue but an small annoyance. I have a specific sub-forum where I move threads to archive them. I moved a new 1500+ page thread into that forum yesterday (Feb 14). It's showing that the last post made was January 1st even though the last post was Feb 14th. 

    All of the pages are there and it's all archived, but why would that 'last post' indicator be that far off?

  11. 11 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Before we continue is this the only topic, or are there others that are also not unarchived?

    Also, could you provide a link to this?

    Just that individual thread, which the member who started it, has since been banned so that thread shows as hidden. So it's hidden and archived. 

  12. 14 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    It copies it to a pages database of your choosing.

    You would need to give it time. It will unarchive eventually

    It's been more than a month. It is a fairly large thread, at least for my board. 1137 pages, 27,200+ replies, 1.2 Million views.

    Is a month normal, or is that abnormal? 

  13. On 1/16/2023 at 5:09 PM, Jim M said:

    Correct. Unarchiving a topic manually is a different process so can only be done once and you cannot archive it again.

    What does 'Copy to database' do? I have one thread that just won't unarchive. Not a super big deal, but it bugs me. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Miss_B said:

    That goes beyond the scope of the app. It is best done as a separate app. 

    I thought that might be the case, just one of those random thoughts that pops out at times lol. 

    I might just dig into the database to see if I can do it manually. 

  15. A thought for a future addition, can you make an adjustment to add likes to the post?

    Not a big deal if not, but in my case, I'm re-creating a thread from an old iteration of my board which is now gone, but I have an archive of that old thread so I want to re-create it as exactly as possible. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Jim M said:

    Custom member titles were removed from default functionality so would require a custom profile field and a customization of your theme now. Here is a topic on that:

    Thanks, I have a bit of custom work to do lol. 

    One last question (I think), about the 'reward' capabilities for rewarding individual members with special badges. Those 'reward' badges that are capable of being 'rewarded', those are only achievable by being manually rewarded and can't be automatically earned, is that correct? 

    I also see that points can be awarded, which manually increases a members rank, so I can use that if need be, for that. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    That is our customer's group icon 🙂 . Pips are no longer a thing, I'm afraid.

    Oh ok, no problem then. I had plans to tweak them to our team logo (Philadelphia Eagles), each Eagle head would be a pip lol. 

    I've noticed that member titles aren't showing on the post content like they used to. I found the setting, set it and my member title shows but nobody else's seems to. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    At this point in time, there are no manual point assignments to increase ranks. Only badges can be manually assigned at this time so there may be something there to recognize those members who had larger post counts when you had to start over.

    If add points or moving ranks manually is something you'd like to see, please leave your suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum.

    That brings up another question, along the same lines. 

    Here, the rank 'pips' show for members on each post. How to I make that happen? 

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