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Everything posted by Nervosa

  1. I made a child skin based off my default, then set it to be used on one forum. When I view the forums none of my edits show up. Am I over looking something in order to show am I not re-caching it correctly?
  2. I was reading here The article goes on to tell you how to replicate your database on another server. Getting another server is something I don't want to do right now, and having my board offline for 1 min or 2 is fine.
  3. Excuse my ignorance. My thinking is, if the tables are big its going to take a few min for the backup to copy. During this time someone could be posting, signing up, or doing an action that writes to a table. Wouldn't this cause an error of some sorts, trying to copy a file that's being written to? Couldn't people still be accessing stuff while index.php is removed?
  4. Because there is always more then one way to do something, I'd like to know ways of backing up a large database on an active site. I currently stop mysql, copy the folder somewhere else, start mysql. This takes my forums off line for a few and shows the dreaded IPS Error (because there is no mysql running) Is there a better way to do this?
  5. I just read over this topic and have a few questions. If something happens and sphinx stops working, server goes crazy, gets broke in an update etc. Would searchs just stop working or would it default the on IPB version? In the article about setting it up it says, " "View new content", "Active posts", and "Find posts/topics by member" still make use of internal searching and do not use Sphinx in 3.0.0". Is there plans on making it work with them features?
  6. ... There was a number of suggestions made in the tracker. While I don't think the search should be in the bar for sites like this, some users would like to use that space for a banner. Maybe we could have an option for two headers, one with the search there and one in the bar. I currently do not like the look of the menu bar myself , the black doesn't seems a bit to much. Maybe having it gray like the navbar would be better, either way this skins needs to hurry up and be released.
  7. Is it possible to see it released separately before another build, then just include it later on? There are a lot of aspects in CleanCut I like and would like to build upon it rather then started from scratch.
  8. Nervosa

    Clean Cut

    Its the skin the won, about the header see here: http://forums.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-16949-long-location-titles-wrap-i/
  9. If your out growing how much you can use, Id say look for a new host 100mb really isn't much. What would be nice and could help some slow sites is if you can place different forum sections on other servers. For example http://forums.invisionpower.com/index We have Invision Power Services, Inc., IPS Resources and Community Forums Now say two of these sections are very popular, so much that our current server cant handle all the sql querys. Rather then dropping more money on RAM or a faster server you purchase a little server for half the price and place the "Community Forums" on it. If down the road you start to stress out that server rather then shutting down everything you close the community forums down, move it to a new server, update your settings, and turn it back on. The rest of your site functions just fine and your able to upgrade with out a major loss in traffic.
  10. Could add a handheld CSS and add this to your header. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="handheld" href="mobile.css" />
  11. I think having it open so the forum admin has to configure it would be better in the end (probably a lot easier and less headache). You could even simplify it even more by having the software compile its self to all supported phone OSs and then submit them to their respective app store. This part could be a plug in type feature so if something inst currently supported it could be added at a later date. I was mainly thinking of a way to receive PMs via SMS or even posting to a blog. The more I think what this could do, it just amazes me. With the other approach of a generic IPB app it may be possible to network the entire IPB community together. (every site that uses IP.Board) The end user would download this from their respective app store and enter the url for the forum they wish to use it on for PMs, Blogs, etc. With having them use an Open ID, they could browse away from one site and visit another IPS powered site with ease and interact with them. You could even call it IP.Connect or something corny like that.
  12. This might be out there as far as suggestions go. A lot of people have phones and are on the go so why not make an phone app so users can send, receive PMs and post things in their blog, kinda like FB and Twitter. I think some aspects of products would need to be change in order to be more community network friendly In the end its all about how your users use and visit your site. With the success of Twitter and Facebook I could really see something like this taking off for some sites.
  13. This doesn't help much. If sometime during the re-verification wait time they lose access to the email addy, they wont be able to re-verify it. Being able to add a secondary email and even a security question like most online email sites have would be a lot better.
  14. Tags +1! Tie it into other things like blogs, gallery CCS so I can cross search.
  15. Yeah I see them there, but I really had to search around to find how to make them in the first place. When you visit the following... http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=gallery http://forums.invisionpower.com/blogs/ You are greeted with more of a community feel. Being a new user (or a user with out a gallery or blog) your at a loss for creating (or getting to) your own. The only ways to get to your items is clicking on the icons on the forums or via the links in the drop down. I would like to see more integration into the system. Most things listed could be done via template changes but I feel that shouldn't be needed. My profile- When I visit my profile I would like to be able to add pictures to my gallery and post to my blog, not just view recent things added. (even a link to my blog and gallery would be nice) Gallery- When I visit the main gallery page I would like to see some kind of link to my gallery. You could even have create a new album and a upload a new image. Clicking on the upload image would ask the user what album they would like to add it to or make a new one. Blog- Same for blog, I would like to see a link to mine, along with a create new post. (that would be posted in my blog) Honestly I think Blog needs a major overhaul witch is why I haven't given it much thought for my community. There are quite a few big blogging sites around, facebook, twitter, myspace. I'm sure a good portion of users here have an account with more then one. Your users are going to want a reason to use blog over them, and what better way then to mimic what works. I really like facebooks way of grouping friends and how its all kinda linked together. Maybe we can see something like this here. On top of that have a tag cloud or some way for users to see(search)other users blogs that have common interests. example: If I tag a post with HTML and someone else (that I don't know) makes a post with the same tag, I will be able to see it by viewing common interests.
  16. With any major software upgrade there are goning to things not supported from old versions. All IPS addon products have been made to work with v3. If there are third party mods you would like to see in v3 you should let to authors know. If there is a strong need for them maybe they'll convert them. I don't find v3 all that drastic in change. Its a major version change I wouldn't expect skins to work and making an issue about custom skins that you have paid for I find retarded. Its like saying my feet grew and I should still be able to use my old shoes because I paid for them. I do agree with you that, yes the forums should be open of everyone. I have seen many of posts go unanswered in the resource section. As a customer I feel I'm limiting myself with help posting there. Maybe it should be structured different, in where only current customers can make topics yet everyone can reply.
  17. In 2.3 there was no option to exclude groups from this, I figured come 3 something would have been added. Is there any plans to add a bypass for certain groups?
  18. Sorry for bumping a month old topic, was wondering what you used to reinstall your back up or if you are still unable to do so. I had kinda the same problem. I would use mysqldump make a copy then move it to my new server. When I tried to reinstall the dump mysql would become unresponsive. I had a server tech try and move my DB for me, after a few hours still nothing. (I ended up looking at phpmyadmin and saw that it was getting caught up on "ibf_posts") The tech tried something else and was able to copy and import my DB in about 40min, below is what they told me they did. I hope this is some use to others with large databases that for some reason mysqldump doesn't work.
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