Everything posted by Drewfus
test license
Anyone run into this problem installing a test site? I put a test install of my license key and get that error you see.
Header and logo
Change the header background color in admin themes front end colors Header Background to white.
4.7.5 Marketplace error
URL change
Thats ok I appreciate all your time I have put the test url backup because it was going to be used as a theme demo site so people on the marketplace could test my themes but if the test site can't be used by the public it would be useless. I will figure something else out thanks for your time.
URL change
ok I got ya guess I will just use the test url I have then I don't want to buy a whole new license for a new domain.
URL change
the new url is ipbfiles.com and yes please change it and it is a subdomain of my licened url. It's going to be my theme demo site. I see guess you can't change it because I am not changing the licensed url. thanks for the courtesy.
URL change
I thought I have a license for a domain and then one test site which I want to change the url and if you could change the test site I would appreciate it I am keeping the claritasinvestors.com and want to change. the workingjoe.ca/test thanks. do you need the new url?
URL change
I have done that I delete database and folder which had the software files.I had a test site which is now gone and I have the licensed url still there jsut trying to replace the workingjoe.ca/test
URL change
as far as I know I have no redirects.
Market Place
URL change
How do I get my license url changed ? Tells me there is a installation there but there is not.
URL change
Thanks Nathan.
URL change
How do I get my license url changed ? Tells me there is a installation there but there is not.
Market Place
Thanks Marc for the info so if I submit more items they will be in queue. and if a product is purchased where do the funds go?
Color edit
But I am using the default icon and want to change the color.
Color edit
Market Place
Thanks Jim only asking because I submitted it 3 days ago.
Market Place
How Long does it take to get a theme approved in the Market place?
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
yes ,I really didn't like any of the updates to the theme That were made so I tested everything on a test site until I got it the way I wanted it to work then deleted out the updated theme and replaced it back with 4.3.6 Magnum.
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
I kept the ipskit addon and didn't upgade to any newer version of the theme I stayed on 4.3.6 Magnum and everything works fine in 4.7.0 using swiper slider , background picker Dark mode and news ticker.
no right clik
Is there and app or plugin for ips so user cannot right click and copy images or text?
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Did you use any of these settings? <span>plain text ticker</span> <a href='#'>link ticker</a> <a href='#' target='_blank'>extrenal link</a> <img src="" alt="cats"> I have this in my ticker <a href=" https://kalyteran.co/index.php?/topic/148-disclaimer/" target="_blank"> <h2><font color="#FFFF00">CLARITAS INVESTORS IS NOT AN INVESTMENT WEBSITE NOR DOES IT PORTRAY ITSELF AS SUCH. IT IS DESIGNED AS AN UNOFFICIAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE MEDIUM ONLY</font></h2></a>
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
here is a shot of my settings and slider works fine after update I reverted the global and navbar templates in my theme I am still having some problems I have 2 of Tamans themes installed and the ipskit seems to effect both of them which I dont really like. I would rather have one of the themes use the the old slider and the other use the new slider maybe there is a fix for that.
csv file
I am trying to start a new test forum on my localhost using the members list from my wokring forum, I am making a new site to upload after I finish and replace the old forum with the new one I have downloaded a members csv file from admin when I click to upload it, it doesn't seem to put any members or anything into admin. am I doing something wrong? can some one please guide me on how to do this please .The image I uploaded here is what I get and it goes on for hours just redirecting.
favicon title
Thank you Adlago worked like a charm!