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Posts posted by Mercury_

  1. Hello everyone,

    the IPB generates a permanent audio stream. In the root_framework.js is a function "initSoundFile" that maybe is responsible for this behavior.
    I think it is used for the notification sound. But this permanent stream prevents my computer from standby. Only disabling JavaScript oder closing Firefox will help.

    The browser setting of disabling notifications won't help here.


    Can you from IPB can please give a statement to this? Other users of IPB also have the same problem.

  2. Just great. 🤗
    Two comments.

    The Euro-Style somehow always displays the english time format. And the Euro-Style is always "Joined since" Style.
    The original request aimed to the "regular format" for example "joined 10. August 2018".

    Maybe you can do a little tuning here, that would be perfect. Thank you again.

  3. Hello togehter,

    I do have an question again. Is there a chance to format the regular joined date?
    Actually it is for example "August 10, 2018", I want to change it to "10. August 2018".
    I didn't see it in the settings or as a little change in the .xml. 😕


  4. Hello,

    one question before purchasement. I do have a quite big community. And my concern is that this addon might increase the server load by extra queries.
    Can you please give me some more information how this plugin will work with database queries and server load?

  5. Hello. I had a old member map on my IPB 3.1.3 installed and maybe wrongly removed. I don't have this application in my "outdated" list.

    So I manually deleted the following tables:

    But this seems to be not enough. If I'm trying to install this new application I'll get the warning, that Member Map is still installed.

    Can you please help me which additional tables I need to remove?

  6. Hi.

    If I select all forums, I'll get a 504-error after 30 seconds.
    There is no sql-error or a log entry in the Task-Manager.

    It simply times out.

    Now what I did ... instead of selecting all forums I selected only 3 of them.
    Then I startet to run the task and it successfully finished the sitemap in less than 5 seconds. That is all good.

    But how can I bring all the other forum in?

    That is where I pointet at.

    Give the possibility in your mod to create more tasks (propably only by import the xml with some ID-changes).
    Now you have multiple tasksk which can run at diffrent times (leave 5 minutes time between).
    Sitemap-Task 1 ... includes forums 1-5 and creates topicsitemap1.xml
    Sitemap-Task 2 ... includes forums 6-11 and creates topicsitemap2.xml
    Sitemap-Task 3 ... includes forums 11-15 and creates topicsitemap2.xml

    And so on ...

    By this sheme to split the work load you prevent a timeout.

    I don't think that this is a lot of work.
    You just need to use some more variables.

  7. Hello.

    Thank you for this great modification.

    I've got it installed, but It generates a timeout and locks the task.
    My forum has around 20.000 topics.

    Is it possible to improve the performance of this mod?

    Or a better way in my opinion:
    - Add a possibility to create multiple sitemaps.
    Lets say .. I want an sitemap(X) for all topics in the forum 1, 2 and 3. This task runs at 1am. Then I set up an other sitemap(Y) for all topics in forums 4, 5 and 6 and this task runs at 1.20am ... and so on.
    You can add easily multiple sitemaps in Google. Or add all created sitemaps to the indexsitemap.xml.

    In this way you can split al the load.

    One more question:
    Is it possible for you to add all pages in a topic to the sitemap?

    Let me know what you are thinking about my opinion. :) Thanks.

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