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Beta 5 is out, and you can blame Mick for the title of this post. 😅

Short Circuit Life GIF

If you're under 40, you'll have no idea what that gif is all about, don't worry. It's just an ancient movie from the before times.

Anyway, Beta 5 is working its way through the cloud system and will be available in your AdminCP shortly. As always, the full change log is here: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes-v5/


The upgrade went smoothly and successfully (self-hosted), and thank you for:
-Check that listener class exists before loading.

Some elements were flashing after the page loaded, but now everything is working perfectly.

When is automatic upgrade come for self-hosted 😇 


Someone say beta 3 🤪

Thanks for the beta 5  🍺

Edited by Chris59

in v5 many features and such have been removed and should take less space . because i need to ftp up all upgrades i notice the v5 is alot more in size compared to v4 , how come ? is more then 20mb


Upgraded no problems. This time the download and extract worked. Last time I had to manually download it and upgrade the old fashioned way.

2 minutes ago, Chris59 said:

in v5 many features and such have been removed and should take less space . because i need to ftp up all upgrades i notice the v5 is alot more in size compared to v4 , how come ? is more then 20mb


You may have missed the many things that have been added 🙂 

58 minutes ago, Chris59 said:

When is automatic upgrade come for self-hosted 😇 


Someone say beta 3 🤪

Thanks for the beta 5  🍺

Is this from version 4?

Just now, Marc said:

You may have missed the many things that have been added 🙂 

you got me there 🤪 🫡 😂


I might reconsider the forum I was initially planning — if anyone has any idea. Let me hear it. 😂

1 minute ago, Marc said:

You may have missed the many things that have been added 🙂 

Is this from version 4?

no its v5 beta 5 Self hosted


Nvm. I should wake up before replying. 😋

Edited by teraßyte


Is there a way to remove this?
This error is disturbing lol my eyes scream when I see it.

I noticed that after applying the update it is still there.


14 minutes ago, Marc said:

Is this from version 4?

Is this suppose to work in this beta 5 @Marc ? but i still have to ftp up my files old fashion way


Do you see any logged errors in the ACP System Log?

4 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

Do you see any logged errors in the ACP System Log?

if your reply is direction for me.

<?php exit; ?>

Tue, 19 Nov 2024 00:04:51 +0000

#0 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/applications/blog/sources/Entry/Entry.php(1030): IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecord::load(8)
#1 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/static/templates/blog_front_browse.php(1364): IPS\blog\Entry->category()
#2 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(68): IPS\Theme\class_blog_front_browse->indexGridEntry(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), true)
#3 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/static/templates/blog_front_browse.php(1022): IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate->__call('indexGridEntry', Array)
#4 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(68): IPS\Theme\class_blog_front_browse->indexGrid(Object(IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator), Array, Array, Array, 'grid', NULL)
#5 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/applications/blog/modules/front/blogs/browse.php(131): IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate->__call('indexGrid', Array)
#6 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(139): IPS\blog\modules\front\blogs\browse->manage()
#7 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(169): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute()
#8 /home/lightningmu/public_html/community/index.php(16): IPS\Dispatcher->run()
#9 {main}


Upgrade B4->B5 without any problems. Thanks

I upgraded through the ACP with no problem, and hope everyone having issues with the upgrade gets them resolved, soon. ❤️ 

Thanks for the speedy updates.

2 hours ago, Matt said:

the full change log is here: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes-v5/

No fix for the followed topics notifications? very disappointing.
This is a major feature and a major bug, IMO.
Can you imagine Facebook without notifications on new replies to your replies?

I don't know how the fact that this basic|major feature is not working can be ignored...

Just now, Omri Amos said:

No fix for the followed topics notifications? very disappointing.
This is a major feature and a major bug, IMO.
Can you imagine Facebook without notifications on new replies to your replies?

I don't know how the fact that this basic|major feature is not working can be ignored...

We're all experiencing this issue, but I want to drop a reminder that the software is still in beta and bugs are to be expected. The IC team was very clear about this from the start and advised we hold off on upgrading a production site.

The bugs will be worked out, but this was a risk we willingly took when upgrading our sites to software that's still in beta.

  • Management
22 minutes ago, Omri Amos said:

No fix for the followed topics notifications? very disappointing.
This is a major feature and a major bug, IMO.
Can you imagine Facebook without notifications on new replies to your replies?

I don't know how the fact that this basic|major feature is not working can be ignored...

I might suggest you stop using the betas of version 5 if you do not understand what a beta means 🙂 

It would be great if the IC team could decide once and for all who will be able to use the subscribed topic feature.

I really appreciate this feature and it is definitely a feature that every community needs to have.

I would love to test this in my community, it was one of the features that made me renew my license, and make myself available for the IC5 trial period!

Please give us a position regarding this, my members ask me about this feature all the time.

Every time I upgrade Invision Community, it feels like that brand new car feeling! I can almost smell the fresh leather seats!

Upgraded to Beta 5...

germany something GIF

@Matt you just made my day! 🤣

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