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Upgrade went through perfectly, however I receive a HTTP ERROR 500


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PHP: 8.2.23 - MySQL: 10.6.19 - Browser: Microsoft Edge 129.0.2792.89

Completely vanilla installation of Invision Community. No third-party applications, I am using the default theme and there are no advertisements. The only customisation I have made is adding the English (Australia) language (no other language installed), but I don't think that's what's causing the issue.

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

The uploading of files and upgrade went smoothly without an issue. I can access the AdminCP too, however when I visit my community, I am met with a HTTP ERROR 500.

File permissions and ownership look to be correct, and I temporarily renamed my .htaccess file in case there was an issue there to no avail. I have also cleared the system caches, no good.

Could contain: File

Here is a screenshot from the System Logs. My host is currently investigating so I'll provide an update once they get back to me with the solution.

Could contain: Page, Text

Edited by Gary
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I have received a response from my hosting provider.


The reason this is occurring is because of the "promoted.php" file that is part of the "FrontNavigation" extension for the Invision Community software used on the website.

I attempted to adjust the PHP version, however this did not resolve the issue and therefore I have renamed the file to "promoted.php.disabled" and this brought the website back online.

I recommend reaching out to the software developers for Invision Community for assistance resolving the issue with their FrontNavigation extension. I have also attached a TXT file with the error message.

I thought I'd pass the information on in case others experience this after upgrading.

Might I say v5 is so nice! Again, well done to the Invision Community team. You all deserve a trip to Sydney so I can shout the first few rounds. 😉

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Is there any chance the topic title can be updated to "My Beta upgrade experience on a production site"?

Some other issues that have popped up since upgrading my community to Beta 1.

  1. Some images are not loading as pictured below, including images I have posted in a topic. When hovering over the image, the link ends with 'spacer.png'.

    Could contain: Page, Text, White Board   Could contain: Text, Page, File   Could contain: Page, Text
  2. Any areas with text, including topics, posts, guidelines, etc, show up with huge spaces between content. They do display correctly when posted/saved however.

    Could contain: Page, Text
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Have you cleared cache in the admin CP? 

43 minutes ago, Gary said:

Is there any chance the topic title can be updated to "My Beta upgrade experience on a production site"?

I really dont want to mislead people to thinking its ok to update their production sites, to be honest

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7 minutes ago, Gary said:

That was my first stop, no luck after clearing system caches.

Delete the "Promote" item in the core_menu database table and then clear your cache, which should resolve your issue!

But only, really only if you're familiar with phpMyadmin / SSH:D 

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55 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

Delete the "Promote" item in the core_menu database table and then clear your cache, which should resolve your issue!

But only, really only if you're familiar with phpMyadmin / SSH:D 

Thanks, Daniel. I’ll delete that item in the morning and let you know whether it fixes everything. 👌

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On 10/11/2024 at 9:22 AM, Gary said:

Some images are not loading as pictured below, including images I have posted in a topic. When hovering over the image, the link ends with 'spacer.png'.

I'm experiencing the same issue. Lazy loading isn't functioning correctly— all the images are showing as spacer.png and aren't being replaced by the actual images.

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Yeah, I'll have to get someone to look into this for me. My host has advised that customer databases are not in the scope of their support. 😅

I go to my database in phpMyAdmin -> core_menu.

Could contain: Chart, Plot, Text, Number, Symbol

Is it as simple as deleting the one I've marked, or is there more to it? Thanks for your help, Daniel. I appreciate it mate.

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5 hours ago, Gary said:

Yeah, I'll have to get someone to look into this for me. My host has advised that customer databases are not in the scope of their support. 😅

I go to my database in phpMyAdmin -> core_menu.

Could contain: Chart, Plot, Text, Number, Symbol

Is it as simple as deleting the one I've marked, or is there more to it? Thanks for your help, Daniel. I appreciate it mate.

Exactly, click on delete in this row and that’s it. 

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4 hours ago, Daniel F said:

Exactly, click on delete in this row and that’s it. 

Progress report.

I have deleted that row. Images aren't showing up yet (even after clearing system caches), but I'll wait until the database has a chance to recognise the change I guess.

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So, the issue with the missing forum icons and menu icons, well, you've gotta set the Font Awesome icons first don't you? 🤐

Sorry Mistake GIF

  • To fix the menu icons - AdminCP -> System -> Site Features -> Menu Manager -> Edit -> Choose your icon and save
  • To fix the forum icons - AdminCP -> Community -> Forums -> Forums -> Edit -> Choose your icon and save

Spacing with the editor; I assume this is just what happens when moving between CKEditor to Tiptap. Not a major concern and you can just edit the topic/post, but the images not showing is being looked into.

Can I just say the more I use v5, the more I love it! I know I've said it a hundred times before, but well done everyone. I'm so excited to see everyone's communities with the new and powerful suite of tools at their disposal. 🥳

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2 hours ago, SoloInter said:

Could contain: File


There is no ID = 9  / core / promoted.


Where is the file concernend ?

There is a file named ‘promoted.php’ in your directory. If you delete that file, your site should come online. I recommend renaming that file to ‘promoted.php.disabled’ before deleting to confirm whether your site works or not.

If clear your system caches in the AdminCP after that, you should be all set.

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11 minutes ago, SoloInter said:

Thanks @Gary , may I asked where is the file ? I didn't see him in the main folder.

Have a look in the below directory on your server.


Let me know if it’s not there and I’ll jump on my PC to locate it.

Edited by Gary
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14 minutes ago, Gary said:

Have a look in the below directory on your server.


Let me know if it’s not there and I’ll jump on my PC to locate it.

I find the file. I deleted it. But it's always the same for me.

16 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

You won't have the file and the DB record if it's a new install and not an upgrade!

So as I said it was an upgrade. 
I find the file but I didn't find the DB record ... 

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