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Rebuild error after upgrade

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The provider Terabyte just upgraded my long overdue and large forum and asked me to post this issue for staff comment:

"I noticed one issue with the task that rebuilds the posts. It is currently throwing an INVALID_URL exception when it hits specific posts.
After a quick investigation, I found that the task seems to throw the error when it's parsing a post that contains a mention like this one => @Torsten

This is something IPS should look into as it seems to be a bug with how the rebuild posts task parses the URLs.
In case IPS asks, I've already tried re-running the tasks with all modifications disabled (which is only the Chatbox application really)."

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To add some more details, the RebuildPosts task is throwing errors when parsing posts with this mention HTML content:

	<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/XXXX-NAME/&amp;do=hovercard" data-mentionid="XXXX" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/XXXX-NAME/" rel="">@NAME</a> testing a mention post.

Removing the A element for the mention hovercard makes the rebuild task proceed with no errors:

	@NAME testing a mention post.


The Rebuild Posts task was already present and throwing errors while on version 4.3.5. I was hoping it was a bug fixed at some point, but even after upgrading to 4.7.17, the error is still there. That's when I investigated the issue and suggested the client post a bug report here.

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