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How to setup 200 redirects?

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I'm moving part of a community to another one. What's the wise way to redirect 200 URLs (forums, categories, topics), preferably automatically, as I have them in a sheet file rather than doing it one by one? Both servers use nginX.

Thank you!

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For the forums, you may be able to switch these to a redirection forum type and then point it to the URL you want it to go to.

For topics, there is no built-in method to do this, you will want to likely work with your hosting provider to set up a 301 redirect via a .htaccess file or something.

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40 minutes ago, Claudia999 said:

@Jim M I have a long .htaccess file with many redirects because of a long history of our site. Would there be any solution for IC Cloud how I can use these redirects? So far, this is one of the reasons for not considering IC Cloud.

You’d want to contact our sales team. Generally, after some time, 301 redirects can be dropped (I.e. don’t need a 301 after 10 years as everyone updated to the new URL) but usually our team can investigate accommodations to what you need. 

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