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"Stop email notifications"

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Sorry to start another thread, but I have a different question. I'm trying to figure out where the notification goes if someone clicks "Stop all email notifications"

Account Settings > Notifications > Bottom of page, "Stop all email notifications"

At this stage, we plan on emailing our customers outside of Invision with updates to our products, but if a customer selects this button, we want to make sure to take them off the mailing list. I'm fine to do this manually, but the notification doesn't seem to go anywhere?

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Sorry, Im a little confused as to the question there. You are asking where the notification goes if someone clicks to stop all email notifications, but if they stop all email notifications there of course isnt an email notification to go anywhere. 

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@Marc Stridgen To clarify, I'm asking if me as the administrator can be notified when users click this button. I'm assuming then it just stops the email notifications within Invision and not alerts administrators in any other way that they've been asked to opt out?


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