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Limit Private Messages

Go to solution Solved by Clint Davis,

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Seeing as private messaging is a group permission, you would likely want to utilize our Group Promotion feature so that once a user gets 5 posts, the system automatically promotes them to a new group which has this functionality.

You can read more about that here:


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15 hours ago, Jim M said:

Seeing as private messaging is a group permission, you would likely want to utilize our Group Promotion feature so that once a user gets 5 posts, the system automatically promotes them to a new group which has this functionality.

Is this the general concept?

  1. Create a "New Members" group with no messages privilege.
  2. Place people in "New Members" when the first sign up. (not sure how)
  3. Create a Group Promotion that moves people from "New Members" to "Members" after X content items created.
  4. Ensure "Members" have messages privilege.
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You can change the default in your conf_global.php file, by changing the ID shown in there if needed. To be honest though, youd be best simply to rename the members group

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I changed the ID in conf_global.php and Cleared System Cache, but the registration settings still say new members will go into the Members group instead of the New Members group. Is there some other action required for the conf_global.php change to be picked up?

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31 minutes ago, Clint Davis said:

I tested a new registration, and I was placed into the Members group just as before. I have cleared the cache and restarted PHP. No luck. Any other suggestions to get the conf_global.php change recognized?

Would double check your conf_global.php actually made the change and was changed to the group ID of the group you want to be assigned at registration. 

Just a hint to double check permissions on file on your server. Often times it has caught me out of sorts that I reupload a file over SFTP and I thought it took but it didn't due to permissions.

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