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Commerce Fraud Rules

Callum MacGregor
Go to solution Solved by Callum MacGregor,

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User ID: 105995

The user is banned now, for obvious reasons, but wasn't at the time.

EDIT: I actually think I might know why. 

Maybe Maxmind changed their API results format, because in the code within Rule.php, the expected syntax is 'riskScore'. But in the maxmind API response, its 'risk_score'.


			/* Score */
			if ( $this->maxmind )
				if ( !$this->_checkCondition( $maxMind->riskScore !== NULL ? $maxMind->riskScore : round( $maxMind->score * 10 ), $this->maxmind, $this->maxmind_unit ) )
					return FALSE;

Maxmind API response for this particular transaction (redacted):

risk_score	:	99


Edited by Callum MacGregor
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