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How do I make a "contact me" link that pops up a messenger window?

David N.
Go to solution Solved by Nathan Explosion,

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I want to share a "contact me" link in posts on our forum.

For example on this forum, here's a link that opens a messenger page with myself as the recipient.   https://www.invisioncommunity.com/messenger/compose/?to=610431

How do I instead make a link that pops-up a floating messenger pane, rather than opens a new page? The way the messenger opens when you hover an avatar and click the "Message" button? 

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Right click the element that you are trying to mimic, inspect it  and take a look at the code:

<a href="https://invisioncommunity.com/messenger/compose/?to=610431" data-ipsdialog="" data-ipsdialog-title="Compose New" data-ipsdialog-remotesubmit="" data-ipsdialog-flashmessage="Message Sent." data-ipsdialog-forcereload="" class="ipsFlex-flex:11 ipsButton ipsButton_light ipsButton_verySmall">Message</a>

There you go - that's your code; make necessary modifications add it via the Source button in the editor, or create a custom button in the editor to allow you to add it with the click of a button.

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