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Task Cronjob Suddenly Triggering Excessive Resource Usage after 4.7.14 Upgrade


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9 hours ago, sadams101 said:

I'm the server admin, and so far I've traced this to the update mentioned in this thread. Nothing on my server as far as hardware has changed, and the server is running a low server load with plenty of extra memory, disk storage, etc.


12 hours ago, Jim M said:

You can enable slow query logging to see if this is MySQL end. You hosting provider can also advise what else is happening and provide us further data to investigate. 


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11 minutes ago, sadams101 said:

I'm not sure how that would impact a busy server like mine...as I understand it could be fairly taxing in size and might cause performance issues, but I will look into this more.

To be blunt here, if you do not wish to enable this, we may never get to the bottom of your issue here as you appear to be the only one reporting this issue. It is up to yourself to live with the current issue or enable slow query logging. You can start at a higher threshold and only log queries which take 10 seconds or longer and if you don't get any (which shouldn't be the case if it is as you state), you can decrease it. Slow query logging when configured correctly on a performant server should not pose any major resource issue but of course, doing anything extra will cause more resource consumption. However, generally, you enable it when you are having a resource issue so the consumption isn't a great concern as you need it to resolve the bigger consumption at hand.

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