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second domain issue


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Hi I would like to know is it possible to add another url as our second domain, example now my site the domain is "abc.com", I wish to analysis the another domain "def.com", if user key in this "def.com" also will point and enter to my domain site "abc.com". Is it possible to do it and if can how can I do ? 

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Cant configure inside the client area need to change inside the file of mine code ?

4 minutes ago, Robert Angle said:

Can you set the domain "DEF.com" to forward to "ABC.com" at your registrar? I know GoDaddy supports this.

Alternatively, you can use a PHP redirect. Have your DEF.com/index.php file contain the following...

header("Location: https://www.ABC.com");



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and I remember last time inside the "Manage Purchase" can view the domain address like this "pxxxxx.invisionservice.com" but now I could find where can check back this information, can you advise me where can I get back this info?


if we would like to point the "def.com" domain to "abc.com" is it just use back the same "pxxxxx.invisionservice.com" analysis address?

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You could potentially redirect your other domain to your service here at IPS. You would be pointing to the address you are using, not the invisionservice one. These would however be redirects you would set up on your end, not on our end. If you are unsure how to do that you would need to speak to your domain provider. It does need to be noted however, that this will be a redirect. It will not be 2 domains actually using the same site. www.x.com/something will redirect to www.y.com/something. It will not show www.x.com/something to the user

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