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Remote image problems

Go to solution Solved by Adlago,

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52 minutes ago, JoNaDo18 said:

Hi. I upload the images from my website and it doesn't allow me to upload them with http or https. I have tried activating and deactivating the SSL option and it doesn't work either. Someone knows?

Thanks greetings.

Could contain: Page, Text

It's because your site www.jonado.net
redirects to www.hardwarepremium.com
Review your htaccess  file for such a redirect or contact your hosting provider to review your domain's bindings.




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13 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

¿Dónde estás insertando exactamente la URL de esa imagen? No reconozco el formulario en la captura de pantalla.

In any post edit. This is when it gives you the option to add photos.

6 minutes ago, Adlago said:

Esto se debe a que su sitio www.jonado.net
redirige a www.hardwarepremium.com.
Revise su archivo htaccess para dicha redirección o comuníquese con su proveedor de hosting para revisar los enlaces de su dominio.




Oh of course... it's true that I had it like that. I'm going to try leaving a website.

9 minutes ago, Adlago said:

It's because your site www.jonado.net
redirects to www.hardwarepremium.com
Review your htaccess  file for such a redirect or contact your hosting provider to review your domain's bindings.




I have removed the redirect, and it still happens :S

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