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IPS included block template inconsistencies

Go to solution Solved by Nathan Explosion,

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Not sure if this belongs here or in feedback, but it seems like there are inconsistencies in block templates' class usage and corresponding CSS that influences the layout (i.e. some center aligned, others left aligned.  Assuming there's no way to cleanly update this via AdminCP and will require editing the block code somewhere else?

The Events >> Upcoming Events block:

<li class="ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical ipsBox ipsResponsive_block" data-blockid="app_calendar_upcomingEvents_mqeugg6iy" data-blockconfig="true" data-blocktitle="Upcoming Events" data-blockerrormessage="This block cannot be shown. This could be because it needs configuring, is unable to show on this page, or will show after reloading this page." data-controller="core.front.widgets.block">

<h3 class="ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title">Upcoming Events</h3>

<div class="ipsWidget_inner">

<div class="ipsType_light ipsPad_half ipsType_center">No upcoming events found</div>



Versus the System >> Members block named as "Today's Birthdays":

<li class="ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical ipsBox ipsResponsive_block" data-blockid="app_core_members_nzf0mwb8k" data-blockconfig="true" data-blocktitle="Members" data-blockerrormessage="This block cannot be shown. This could be because it needs configuring, is unable to show on this page, or will show after reloading this page." data-controller="core.front.widgets.block">

<h3 class="ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title">

Today&#039;s Birthdays


<div class="ipsWidget_inner ipsPad">

<p class="ipsType_reset">No members to show</p>



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11 minutes ago, Clover13 said:

Assuming there's no way to cleanly update this via AdminCP and will require editing the block code somewhere else?

Or edit the template in the ACP... at <APP> -> Front -> Widgets

Upcoming Events = Calendar -> Front -> Widgets -> upcomingEvents

Members = Core -> Front -> Widgets -> members (note that "Today's Birthdays" is the title you gave that block, not the actual name of the block)


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