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System does not archive topics that match the filter

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a few days ago we activated the archiving feature. The only condition we set was to archive topics whose last reply is older than 15 years. Nothing else.

Now we have found that the archive task is being run frequently, but it is no longer archiving. We found a lot of topics much older than 15 years, but they remain in the normal database.

The only noticeable thing we found was that in the last records of the archive table, the "archive_queued" field is set to -3. I don't know if this is something interesting. Those records only contain content which has been deleted permanently before.

@Daniel F or support team: Any idea where the problem might be?

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I have never used the archive feature before. Never. 

Yes I know that the condition is based on the last reply. 😉 Look into the db and you will find a lot of examples which match the filter but are not being archived.

I permanently deleted all deleted content before I activated the archive feature. 

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Dear @Stuart Silvester,

I hope my post was not misleading. I have of course taken into account everything that the archive function requires. As I said, there are a lot of topics whose last reply was more than 15 years ago. However, these topics are not archived. I'd be happy to name a few topics in a ticket mail to which this applies.

As an addition, I would like to mention that the estimation in the backend after entering the filter criteria gives an estimated archiving level of 49%. So far, however, only about 10% has been archived.

I also don't understand why deleted posts show up in the archive even though they were permanently deleted long before.

I would appreciate it if you could please take a quick look at our system to identify the problem.

Thanks in advance and best regards

Edited by Apfelstrudel
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Before we continue on this, could I ask when it was you started the archiver? You mention there 15 years of data. This is done very gradually in the background, so its going to take quite some time to archive 15 years of data

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Hello Marc,

I have to correct myself in this case. Originally we came to the assumption that the archiving stopped because phpmyadmin showed the same number of records over several days.

In the meantime, however, it turned out that phpmyadmin with a certain configuration only displays estimated values. Using a SQL count command, however, we were then able to see the correct number, which also increased every 5 min. So the archiving seems to work after all. Sorry for the circumstances.

However, it is still unclear why there are posts in the archiving table that were permanently deleted a long time ago (archived_queued=-3). Has the permanent deletion process not worked 100% here?

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