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Upgrade to 4.7.9 stuck at "Manual Action Required"

Go to solution Solved by Adriano Faria,

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I'm currently fighting with the upgrade process to version 4.7.9. I followed correctly all the steps and arrives at the step 7 : upgrade. It asks to perform some SQL requests manually: 

UPDATE `ibf_core_message_posts` SET `msg_post_key`='0' WHERE `msg_post_key` IS NULL;
UPDATE `ibf_core_message_posts` SET `msg_ip_address`='0' WHERE `msg_ip_address` IS NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_message_posts` DROP INDEX `msg_post`, CHANGE COLUMN `msg_post` `msg_post` MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL , ADD FULLTEXT KEY `msg_post` (`msg_post`), CHANGE COLUMN `msg_post_key` `msg_post_key` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , DROP INDEX `msg_ip_address`, CHANGE COLUMN `msg_ip_address` `msg_ip_address` VARCHAR (46) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , ADD KEY `msg_ip_address` (`msg_ip_address`);
UPDATE `ibf_core_search_index` SET `index_content`='' WHERE `index_content` IS NULL;
UPDATE `ibf_core_search_index` SET `index_permissions`='' WHERE `index_permissions` IS NULL;
UPDATE `ibf_core_search_index` SET `index_class_type_id_hash`='' WHERE `index_class_type_id_hash` IS NULL;
CREATE TABLE `ibf_core_search_index_new` LIKE `ibf_core_search_index`;
ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_search_index_new` DROP INDEX `object`, DROP INDEX `index_class_and_object_id`, DROP INDEX `container`, DROP INDEX `author_lookup`, DROP INDEX `index_stream`, DROP INDEX `followed_content`, DROP INDEX `item`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_class` `index_class` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL COMMENT 'Content type class e.g. \\IPS\\forums\\Topic', ADD UNIQUE KEY `object` (`index_class`(181),`index_object_id`), ADD KEY `index_class_and_object_id` (`index_class`(181),`index_object_id`), ADD KEY `container` (`index_class`(171),`index_container_id`,`index_date_commented`), ADD KEY `author_lookup` (`index_author`,`index_class`(150),`index_hidden`,`index_date_updated`,`index_date_commented`), ADD KEY `index_stream` (`index_class`(161),`index_item_id`,`index_date_commented`,`index_date_updated`), ADD KEY `followed_content` (`index_class`(169),`index_is_last_comment`,`index_hidden`,`index_date_commented`,`index_date_updated`), ADD KEY `item` (`index_class`(180),`index_item_id`,`index_is_last_comment`), DROP INDEX `index_content`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_content` `index_content` MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The plain-text content to search', ADD FULLTEXT KEY `index_content` (`index_content`(94),`index_title`(96)), CHANGE COLUMN `index_permissions` `index_permissions` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'A comma-delimited list of groups which have permission to view', DROP INDEX `index_title`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_title` `index_title` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL COMMENT 'Content title', ADD FULLTEXT KEY `index_title` (`index_title`(191)), DROP INDEX `index_class_type_id_hash`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_class_type_id_hash` `index_class_type_id_hash` CHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'MD5 of (index_class:index_object_id)', ADD KEY `index_class_type_id_hash` (`index_class_type_id_hash`), CHANGE COLUMN `index_container_class` `index_container_class` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL COMMENT 'The class of the container that relates to index_container_id';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ibf_core_search_index_new` SELECT * FROM `ibf_core_search_index`;
DROP TABLE `ibf_core_search_index`;
RENAME TABLE `ibf_core_search_index_new` TO `ibf_core_search_index`;
UPDATE `ibf_core_search_index_item_map` SET `index_class`='' WHERE `index_class` IS NULL;
CREATE TABLE `ibf_core_search_index_item_map_new` LIKE `ibf_core_search_index_item_map`;
ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_search_index_item_map_new` DROP INDEX `search_map`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_class` `index_class` VARCHAR (80) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD UNIQUE KEY `search_map` (`index_item_id`,`index_class`,`index_author_id`);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ibf_core_search_index_item_map_new` SELECT * FROM `ibf_core_search_index_item_map`;
DROP TABLE `ibf_core_search_index_item_map`;
RENAME TABLE `ibf_core_search_index_item_map_new` TO `ibf_core_search_index_item_map`;
UPDATE `ibf_core_item_member_map` SET `map_class`='' WHERE `map_class` IS NULL;
CREATE TABLE `ibf_core_item_member_map_new` LIKE `ibf_core_item_member_map`;
ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_item_member_map_new` DROP INDEX `map_unique`, CHANGE COLUMN `map_class` `map_class` VARCHAR (200) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , ADD UNIQUE KEY `map_unique` (`map_class`(171),`map_item_id`,`map_member_id`);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ibf_core_item_member_map_new` SELECT * FROM `ibf_core_item_member_map`;
DROP TABLE `ibf_core_item_member_map`;
RENAME TABLE `ibf_core_item_member_map_new` TO `ibf_core_item_member_map`;

So far, no problem. I execute all these requests successfully from my database. Then I click on "I have run the queries manually and confirm they were run successfully" button... and it comes back to the same step, asking to perform the same exact requests.

Is there anything I miss here? Is there a way to skip this step as it has been done?

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@Jim M I do. I ran them manually one by one and mysql returned and Query OK response for all of them.

@Adriano Faria I just gave it a try and no luck. It didn't worked.

I tried some other things after that (restore the tables from my backup and doing it again mainly) and now this step show me only 4 queries about another table...

UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts` SET `ip_address`='' WHERE `ip_address` IS NULL;
UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts` SET `post_key`='0' WHERE `post_key` IS NULL;
UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts` SET `post_edit_reason`='' WHERE `post_edit_reason` IS NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ibf_forums_posts` CHANGE COLUMN `author_name` `author_name` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL , DROP INDEX `ip_address`, CHANGE COLUMN `ip_address` `ip_address` VARCHAR (46) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD KEY `ip_address` (`ip_address`), CHANGE COLUMN `post` `post` MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `edit_name` `edit_name` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL , DROP INDEX `post_key`, CHANGE COLUMN `post_key` `post_key` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , ADD KEY `post_key` (`post_key`), CHANGE COLUMN `post_edit_reason` `post_edit_reason` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , CHANGE COLUMN `post_field_t1` `post_field_t1` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `post_field_t2` `post_field_t2` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL ;


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It still redirected to the same page with the same with the same queries. But after trying out to click on the other button to let the upgrade tool do it, it went through and the install was finally successful. 

No time to solve the problem with the emails. Thanks for the help.

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