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Recurrent empty error

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For several months now, I have very regularly a blank error that appears:

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

There is absolutely nothing in the logs:

Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Text

The site seems to work perfectly well (at least I don't see anything wrong with it). But when I delete this error, it always comes back after a day or two.

I tried to change the settings (setting log level from 1 to 5) but it changed nothing.

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A PHP white (blank) page means that there are some errors in your PHP code or configuration, but they are not displayed in the browser. This can result in a blank screen or an HTTP 500 error. Such php errors are not logged in IPS system logs.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can check the error_log file in your website’s document root or logs folder. You can also enable error reporting in your PHP.ini file.

If you are not sure how to do so, it's better to ask your hosting provider to take the action.

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22 hours ago, A Zayed said:

To troubleshoot this issue, you can check the error_log file in your website’s document root or logs folder. You can also enable error reporting in your PHP.ini file.

According to my cPanel settings error reporting is already on:

Could contain: Page, Text

I checked ~/public_html/error_log and there was no recent relevant error in it. The last one was very old while I got another "empty error" yesterday.

Same thing for server error.log, the last entry was older than yesterday:

[Tue Jun 06 01:42:10.063537 2023] [cgid:error] [pid 2534:tid 47697533363968] [client 198.167.198.xxx:0] AH01265: attempt to invoke directory as script: /home/Scr/public_html/cgi-bin/

So I really wonder where Invision got these errors.

Edited by Webmaster Scr
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Im not actually seeing any error in your admin notifications at present. I would simply dismiss that if you have only see it the once, as you are likely chasing something that is no longer present

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Yep, that’s weird: the notification exists on my Admin login (screenshot took 2 minutes ago):

Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Text

But not not on the Admin login you use: 

Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Text

Are notifications allocated to the first Admin to open/see them?

And, no, it wasn’t an isolated case. These errors recur every 2 or 3 days when I delete them.

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