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PWA on iOS doesn’t set app name when opening link with external app

KT Walrus
Go to solution Solved by Ryan Ashbrook,

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I’ve tried the Twitter PWA and it has the same problem. So, probably nothing you can do to set the app title. Maybe check the manifest schema that iOS currently supports and if there is no manifest setting for this string, wait until Apple addresses this issue. 

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22 minutes ago, KT Walrus said:

I’ve tried the Twitter PWA and it has the same problem. So, probably nothing you can do to set the app title. Maybe check the manifest schema that iOS currently supports and if there is no manifest setting for this string, wait until Apple addresses this issue. 

Yes, I've just checked with other PWA's as well, and they also have the same issue, so this is a problem in iOS itself. The manifest only has two properties to define the name of the PWA (short_name for locations with limited space and name for anywhere else), and both are set.

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