Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
February 17, 20232 yr Are you planning something extra for self hosted license payers too or are we just paying for a very modest version of the script? Edited February 17, 20232 yr by angle4cor
February 17, 20232 yr Author Management 24 minutes ago, angle4cor said: Are you planning something extra for self hosted license payers too or are we just paying for a very modest version of the script? You are getting exactly what we promised when you paid for your license. We continue to make monthly releases with a mix of bug fixes, minor and major feature updates. We have a lot in the pipeline that is coming to all platforms. We have recently released news of our Events update, Gallery refresh and GraphQL API which came to all platforms. This was covered in great detail here:
February 18, 20232 yr Management I'll post Randy's handy chart here again. S = Self Hosted and C = Cloud On 2/4/2023 at 3:06 PM, Randy Calvert said: Ver Feature S C 4.7.7 Gallery - UI Redesign X X 4.7.7 Gallery - Better Video Support X X 4.7.7 Gallery - Video Transcoding X 4.7.7 Gallery - Searchable Videos X 4.7.7 Gallery - NSFW Tagging X X 4.7.7 Gallery - Performance & Usability X X 4.7.7 GraphQL X X 4.7.7 Converters - Improved Performance X X 4.7.4 Personal Alerts X X 4.7.4 Moderator Approval Queue Improvement X X 4.7.4 Events - Support for Streaming Platforms X X 4.7.3 Events - Revamp of Calendar to Events X X 4.7.3 OpenSearch 2.1 Support X X Improved Mark Post as Solution X X 4.7.1 Search Bar Enhancement X X 4.7.1 Topics - Future Publishing Added X X 4.7.0 Alerts Feature X X 4.7.0 Fluid Mode Revamp X X 4.7.0 hCaptcha Support X X 4.7.0 Solved/Unsolved in Activity Streams X X 4.7.0 ElasticSearch Enhancements X X 4.7.0 Zapier Enhancements X X 4.7.0 Realtime - Who's Typing X 4.7.0 Realtime - Who's Viewing X 4.7.0 Image AI - Moderation and Search X 4.7.0 Sentament Analysis X 4.7.0 Trending Content X 4.6.11 Block Submission X X 4.6.10 IndexNow Support X X 4.6.10 Webhooks Improved (New Triggers) X X 4.6.8 SEO Improvements X X 4.6.8 Achievements for Commerce/Downloads X X 4.6.8 In-Browser Audio File Support X X 4.6.8 New ACP Reports X X 4.6.7 Stream Subscriptions X X 4.6.7 Stock Replies X X 4.6.0 Zapier Support X X 4.6.0 Achievements System Release X X 4.6.0 Web App and Push Notifications X X 4.6.0 Anonymous Posting X X 4.6.0 Solved Content X X 4.6.0 Show When Team Replied X X 4.6.0 Health Dashboards X X 4.6.0 Spam Improvements X X *Note: Zapier when initially added was cloud-only. It was changed to support both in a later release.
February 23, 20232 yr I can completely understand this: On 2/16/2023 at 11:25 PM, Matt said: Unfortunately, it is not possible to deliver Live Topics to a classic self-hosting environment. Our "cloud" is not simply "some server space" but rather a complex array of technologies wrapped up in custom configuration and code. Live Topics is not a PHP and MySQL application. It is actually a React and NodeJS app and uses the following technologies: NodeJS via ExpressJS server, ReactJS, Web Sockets/, JWT Authentication, Redis, AWS SQS, AWS EC2 and MySQL. Those technologies are managed via a custom SQS queue which triggers command runners and workers. All this is bespoke to our cloud environment. Even if you managed to set up all those services, you'd still need our configuration and custom elements. By developing on a single platform allows us to rapidly deploy new features and functionality. This makes it unsuitable for a self-hosting environment. This is a completely valid and reasonable explanation. Attributing it to greed is, in my opinion, just flagrantly ignorant, intellectually lazy, and quite honestly downright uncharitable towards IPS. And in before someone starts crying "FAN BOY!" or some other juvenile and asinine tripe: There are many valid criticisms; such as the utterly toothless blocking/ignoring system, as an example I can name off of the top of my head. This; ain't it chief. Theoretically a PHP version is possible, in a similar way that the site pushes notifications "live" without refreshing the page. I think ArrowChat and other chatbar things do it when a user is typing a message, for example and it's based on a heartbeat, which has an inactivity timer that reduces the checks/requests. However I doubt that's very performance efficient and if lots of people are looking at any given topic, could perhaps introduce quite a nasty spike, as far as I am aware. But it is possible. If you're that angry about it or if you are that keen on having this feature, one option could be to commission a standalone mod from someone who can find a more performant way of implementing it. This could potentially generate some income for the developer, but it would require a careful consideration of the performance implications and usage patterns to ensure that it does not cause any significant issues. The fact that it's not option already tells me that it's probably not worth doing, probably because the aforementioned problems I pointed out. But what would I know? Edited February 23, 20232 yr by Tripp★
February 23, 20232 yr Author Management Thanks Tripp. Perhaps the biggest disconnect is in understanding that cloud isn't a bit of shared server space, with CPanel and phpMyAdmin, etc. You don't get your own server space in the classic way. You don't even get your own PHP files. Cloud is a bundle of scalable technology including PHP, MySQL, Python, NodeJS, Redis, NoSQL, WAF, SQS, etc. We leverage all that tech for the newest features and it's just not possible to make it work on a normal PHP/MySQL server.
February 23, 20232 yr 2 hours ago, Tripp★ said: Mogę to całkowicie zrozumieć: Jest to całkowicie uzasadnione i rozsądne wyjaśnienie. Przypisywanie go chciwości jest, moim zdaniem, rażąco ignoranckie, leniwe intelektualnie i całkiem szczerze mówiąc nieżyczliwe wobec IPS. I zanim ktoś zacznie płakać „FAN BOY!”!" lub inne młode i asyninowe flaczki: Istnieje wiele uzasadnionych uwag krytycznych; takie jak całkowicie bezzębny system blokowania / ignorowania, jako przykład, który mogę wymienić z czubka głowy. To; czy to nie szef. Teoretycznie wersja PHP jest możliwe, w podobny sposób, że witryna wysyła powiadomienia „na żywo” bez odświeżania strony. Myślę, że ArrowChat i inne rzeczy na pasku czatu robią to, gdy użytkownik wpisuje wiadomość, na przykład i jest ona oparta na biciu serca, które ma licznik braku aktywności, który zmniejsza liczbę sprawdzeń / żądań. Jednak Wątpię, czy jest to bardzo wydajne i jeśli wiele osób patrzy na dany temat, być może może, o ile mi wiadomo, może wprowadzić dość paskudny skok. Ale jest to możliwe. Jeśli jesteś na to zły lub chcesz mieć tę funkcję, jedną z opcji może być uruchomienie samodzielnego modu od kogoś, kto może znaleźć bardziej skuteczny sposób jego wdrożenia. Może to potencjalnie wygenerować pewien dochód dla programisty, ale wymagałoby starannego rozważenia implikacji wydajności i wzorców użytkowania, aby upewnić się, że nie spowoduje to żadnych istotnych problemów. Fakt, że nie jest to opcja, już mi mówi, że prawdopodobnie nie warto tego robić, prawdopodobnie dlatego, że wskazałem wyżej wspomniane problemy. Ale co bym wiedział? Then why is the purchase of a self-hosted license so much hidden at the very bottom? Look this: Look this: and footer: I have seen that many people have already made a mistake and bought a cloud package, not a self-hosted license, because it is in the footer. I will not discuss this topic anymore, because I do not care about these functions, but I am afraid that soon there will only be a cloud .... It is clearly visible that it is heading towards the only cloud. Matter of time. Edited February 23, 20232 yr by Grafidea
February 23, 20232 yr 2 hours ago, Grafidea said: I have seen that many people have already made a mistake and bought a cloud package, not a self-hosted license, because it is in the footer. Oh yes, I can't find the exact topic with refund request I've seen recently but this would be a showcast too. I won't elaborate the subject further too. Go figure.
February 23, 20232 yr 2 hours ago, Grafidea said: but I am afraid that soon there will only be a cloud .... It is clearly visible that it is heading towards the only cloud. Matter of time. Seem so, I am already testing another platform, if I switch it will be indeed a long run with IPS since before 2002 even Sadly tho.