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4.7.7 beta 2: Gallery bug


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BUG?: I had the image ordering set to Caption. The image scrolling arrows would then bump the user off at the end of any image row to land on the front page of the forum. 

BUG?: I then set the image ordering to Recently Updated. In one of the Albums, the scrolling arrows skipped over a particular image repeatedly. I couldn't figure out why. 

So I now have the image ordering set to Start Date and scrolling works OK so far. No bumps out of the gallery and no skips over some image.


Also, I note that clicking the X on any particular image display converts the vertical display of that image to a horizontal format. Then clicking the scrolling arrow on that image re-converts so that the next image is in a vertical format.  What is the X supposed to do? (By vertical display, I mean that the description, etc. is shown to the right of the image. In the horizontal display, this stuff is below the image.) Is there a way to maintain the horizontal display of the image info?

Thanks for any input on this.

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12 hours ago, annedi said:

BUG?: I had the image ordering set to Caption. The image scrolling arrows would then bump the user off at the end of any image row to land on the front page of the forum. 

Do you have steps to reproducing this? Unfortunately, I am having issues reproducing it or am not fully understanding. 

12 hours ago, annedi said:

BUG?: I then set the image ordering to Recently Updated. In one of the Albums, the scrolling arrows skipped over a particular image repeatedly. I couldn't figure out why. 

Have you tried both of these with beta 3? I am unable to reproduce this here either.

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Set the image sorting to Caption for albums in the ACP:
Admin > Community > Gallery > Categories > Album > Edit > Category Settings > Image Sort Order > Caption > Save.

When the sort order is set to Caption via the ACP as above,
then using the scrolling arrows in the actual Gallery bumps you out of the Gallery at some point during the image scrolling.


Now, go back to the ACP and set the image sorting to, say, Start Date for all albums. Then, go to the actual Gallery and change the Albums sort order to Caption by using the Sort By drop-down menu (to the upper right of the albums). This time the scrolling arrows work as they should for the Caption ordering.

I was able to reproduce the bump off more than once as described above.




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Here is the 2nd Problem.

Set the image sorting to Recently Updated for albums in the ACP:
Admin > Community > Gallery > Categories > Album > Edit > Category Settings > Image Sort Order > Recently Updated > Save.

When the sort order is set to Recently Updated via the ACP as above,
then using the scrolling arrows in the actual Gallery can skip an image going forward (i.e., the right-hand scroll arrows). After the skipped image, if you use the left-hand arrow to go back, then the skipped image is shown. That is, there is a forward skip, but not a backward skip. However, if you continue "going left", then another image gets skipped - but not the same image as before.

It feels like the array numbering has gone off by 1, or something like that??





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7 hours ago, annedi said:

woops, sorry!

No, I had just completed the Upgrade. So this little scrolling problem is for the v4.7.6 just installed.

I don't know how to test a beta. But would be happy to try if you point me in the right direction. Thanks!

I would suggest awaiting the next full release in that case. The gallery has been changed quite a lot

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