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notification emails end up in SPAM


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Every single email that IP board send to my member with a notification ends up in SPAM.

Even if the members have my email in their whitelist and even if they receive all the others email I send to them...

Still every single email from IPBOARD ends up in the SPAM folder.

What can I do to improve the delivery ?

Notification is key for the engagement on the forum and for my retention rate.

I really need to solve this asap.



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Remember… IPB does not actually control delivery of email. It simply passes it to whatever outbound service you use. They control delivery of messages. You’ll need to work with whatever that service is. 

You might try sending via SMTP if your host allows it.  Only your host can tell you what the best way for you to be sending mail is. 

Edited by Randy Calvert
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34 minutes ago, gigantor said:


Are you relaying the email or sending directly?

It sounds like your SPF/DKIM does not include your IPBoard server's IP or selector.


Im not sure why you believe it would need to include our IPs there?  This would be the case only if cloud hosted

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On 12/16/2022 at 11:26 AM, gigantor said:


Are you relaying the email or sending directly?

It sounds like your SPF/DKIM does not include your IPBoard server's IP or selector.



On 12/16/2022 at 12:24 PM, gigantor said:

I meant his server IP on the SPF record.


On 12/16/2022 at 12:41 PM, Marc Stridgen said:

Of course 🙂 

This settings will should be in the Help Guide! I has many tickets for this problem and is the first time that read this requirement.

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24 minutes ago, Lindor said:



This settings will should be in the Help Guide! I has many tickets for this problem and is the first time that read this requirement.

This is an email/hosting side issue rather than a software issue so while I understand your frustration here, your hosting/email provider should have instructed you about this when connecting with them over spam issues. We could add a reminder in the guide to talk with your hosting/email provider about spam issues but certain configurations like this would always be up to the hosting/email provider and something we cannot provide support for.

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14 minutes ago, Jim M said:

This is an email/hosting side issue rather than a software issue so while I understand your frustration here, your hosting/email provider should have instructed you about this when connecting with them over spam issues. We could add a reminder in the guide to talk with your hosting/email provider about spam issues but certain configurations like this would always be up to the hosting/email provider and something we cannot provide support for.

Well, for PayPal or Stripe connection you have a complete guide, the email is another one connection. I agree that you can't provide all hostings settings but you should create a list of IPS requirements to make functional the SMTP email setting.

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57 minutes ago, Lindor said:

you should create a list of IPS requirements to make functional the SMTP email setting.

Unfortunately, these aren't "IPS requirements", these are global email server requirements. Your email is being rejected by other email servers because your server is not authorized to send mail for your domain. We are actually successfully passing the email onto your email service and your email service is encountering the issue.

That is the difference between the PayPal/Stripe integration and Email. PayPal/Stripe have exact settings to work with our software. Whereas, realistically, the email server settings should be setup by your email/hosting provider already just to send any email from the service. It isn't a 1:1 integration like PayPal/Stripe so it isn't a one size fit all solution to resolve a spam issue.

However, your suggestion is heard and we can see what we can do to help clarify this in our guides.

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1 hour ago, red power magazine said:

We also have issues with notification emails being marked as spam. Our troubles also started about December 14. So much so that our host, SiteGround, shut off our email service. The SPF/DKIM was already setup on our server. 

You would need to contact your hosting or email provider to help you resolve the issue.

Email recipients marking your emails as spam is different than email servers blocking your emails due to lack of authorization. Recipients marking them as spam may be related to the content which is being sent or at worst, someone obtained your SMTP/server credentials and sending spam out via it. If it is the latter there and a great quantity is being sent, that could be why they disabled email sending. 

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