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Guest posting is confusing for registered users

David N.

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Here's an email I received from a member. 

"I had not clicked any button indicating that my question was solved. When following the link in your email, then try to make a new post and put in my email address, your site says that email in use by another user.

I give up!"

This is not the first time a member is confused and frustrated by this. Here's what's happening:

  1. A member posts a topic. 
  2. The topic gets a few replies.
  3. The member receives an email notification that prompts him to mark one of the replies as the solution. 
  4. The member wants to reply to the topic. He clicks the button to go to the post.
  5. Being logged out, the member sees the guest posting form:

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage
  6. The member enters their email address in the first field, types a post and clicks Submit Reply.
  7. The members sees "That email address is in use by another member".

    Could contain: Page, Text, File
  8. The member is frustrated and confused and gives up.

I feel like this process should be obvious.

Now I understand that they should not enter their email, they should log in instead, however that form is encouraging them to enter their email address. I know they should click "sign in" but it's not very obvious that that is a link, nor that that is what they should be doing instead of entering their email address. 

Or, if that's not possible because of security reasons (divulging the account name associated with an email address), then at least make it very clear what the user should do, something like this: 


Do you have an account? Log in now.

Don't have an account yet? Enter your email address here.


Edited by Jamynee
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40 minutes ago, Jamynee said:

I know they should click "sign in" but it's not very obvious that that is a link,

It's clearly going to be a link on the default theme:

Could contain: Page, Text


Easy to make it more obvious....

Could contain: Page, Text, File



guest_post_pbr_blurb = "You can post now and register later."

guest_post_sign_in = "If you have an account, <a class='ipsType_brandedLink' href='{internal.front.app=core&module=system&controller=login.login}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-ipsDialog-title='Sign In Now'>sign in now</a> to post with your account."


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35 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

It's clearly going to be a link on the default theme:

Thank you Nathan, I must have something wrong in my theme's CSS, I'll have to do some sleuthing.

Love your suggestions to simply change the language as well. Thanks!

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