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ERROR 500 with updating

Seungwoo Roh

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A couple of suggestions...

  1. Have you confirmed you meet the minimum requirements for IPB?  (They've recently changed to require PHP8 for example.)  You can confirm using the compatibility checker.
  2. There is a good chance if you meet the system requirements for the latest version of IPB, one of your third party plugins/applications is not.  You can enable recovery mode to disable them all and restore access to the site.
Edited by Randy Calvert
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@Seungwoo Roh

A quick followup, since I visited your site to double-check my colleague's observation. Your site does seem to be working properly.

However you are using Google Analytics, but have not copied the entire code block that Google provides you into your settings in the ACP; you've only put part of the block.

Note the home page and that plain text string at the top left.

Please edit that setting in the ACP, remove what's there now, then copy/paste the entire block of code from Google, and save.

Refresh the front end and that string should now be gone. You may have to hard-refresh (CMD-Shift-R on Mac, CTRL-F5 on PC).

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If you can't login to the ACP, you need to do what I suggested earlier and try disabling all third party resources using the recovery mode link option I linked earlier.  (Check out the 2nd link I posted.)

If that does not work, you need to work with your host to pull the error logs to see what is going on.  A 500 error just says something went wrong.  It does not say exactly what is going on.  The server logs should have more detail.  

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