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Website crippled every once in a while with template errors...not sure why


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I would imagine that the files in the datastore are built using data from the database.  That line 804 in Members.php is within a function called get_group() and the line mentions member_group, I would suspect a member having an invalid group.

Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart


If you are familiar with running sql on your database you could try this, which will return any members that dont have a valid primary group.  You will need to change xxx to the table prefix you are using or remove xxx_ if you are not using a prefix.

select * from xxx_core_members where member_group_id not in (SELECT g_id from xxx_core_groups);



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Where the code is breaking on line 804, that is ran as line 800 failed which is trying to return the primary group.  I still think there is something wrong with a members primary group.

Could it be null?  Try listing the core_members table, sort it by member_id descending (to get the most recent first) then check the member_group_id column. It should only contain a number which corresponds to the member group.

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HI @Marc Stridgen,

As per our previous conversation above, the issue has arisen again on my test site.  Error information is as follows:

OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /XXXX/system/Member/Member.php(804): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load()
#1 /XXXX/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(335): IPS\_Member->get_group()
#2 /XXXX/system/Session/Front.php(255): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get()
#3 [internal function]: IPS\Session\_Front->read()
#4 /XXXX/system/Session/Session.php(94): session_start()
#5 /XXXX/system/Theme/Theme.php(417): IPS\_Session::i()
#6 /XXXX/system/Theme/Theme.php(312): IPS\_Theme::currentThemeId()
#7 /XXXX/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(54): IPS\_Theme::i()
#8 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(38): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard::baseCss()
#9 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(43): IPS\Dispatcher\forumcover_hook_includeJSandCSS::baseCss()
#10 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(17): IPS\Dispatcher\slidermaker_hook_includeJSandCSS::baseCss()
#11 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(35): IPS\Dispatcher\notices_hook_dispatcher_standard::baseCss()
#12 /XXXX/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(759): IPS\Dispatcher\testm_hook_includeJSandCSS::baseCss()
#13 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(40): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front::baseCss()
#14 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(66): IPS\Dispatcher\easypopup_hook_includeJSandCSS::baseCss()
#15 /XXXX/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(76): IPS\Dispatcher\stickynotes_hook_Outputs::baseCss()
#16 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(28): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()
#17 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(23): IPS\Dispatcher\gms_hook_gmsJSHook->init()
#18 /XXXX/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(20): IPS\Dispatcher\stickynotes_hook_Outputs->init()
#19 /XXXX/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\dp45guestviewlimits_hook_dp45guestViewLimitsDispatcherFro->init()
#20 /XXXX/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
#21 {main}


As requested, I have left the issue intact on my test site.  I have also created an FTP account for Invision's use, so if you'd like to get in touch via PM I can send you all required information to examine the issue.  Thanks!

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9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Please add all information in your client area for access, and then confirm on the ticket I have just created for you

Thanks Marc.  I've responded to the email ticket, but just in case I wanted to include here that I have only updated FTP access information for the site in question as I can't get in to create an admin account.  I'll shift to the email ticket which has been created, but please let me know if you need any more information.

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