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Adding Secondary Menu Item

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Yes, although with a caveat.   If the primary menui item already has some secondary menu items then dragging it under the primary menu slots it  in quite happily.   But if the primary menu item doesn't have any secondary menu items then dragging the proposed secondary item on to it doesn't work, it still remains as a primary menu.

Is there a setting I have to allocate to a primary menu item that allows it to accept secondary items ?   Or do I have to do something when I add an item to make it a secondary menu item rather than primary ?

Hope that makes sense.

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Spoke too soon 😀   I created the new primary menu item and like other primary menus on our system that had secpndary items I selected the type as Drop-Down Menu.   I then created two secondary items and dragged them under the primary one as you described.   So far so good, it all worked.    Later I decided to rename the primary item and after doing that, it all changed and they showed up as drop-down options rather than secondary menu items.   Apparently I shouldn't have the primary item type as drop-down, but I can't see one that is relevant.

How do I force them to be secondary menus rather than drop downs ?

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I have a number of primary menu items that do not have secondary menus and two primary menus that have a number of secondary menus that appear on the second line    All I want to do is create a new primary menu with two secondary menus that will also appear on the second line.

When I look at the original primary menus that have secondary menus they have the 'drop-down' type selected, but if you look at the 'Edit dropdown' option for them there is nothing definmed.  And they work correctly with secondary options appearing on the second line.

So when I created the new primary menu I also set the type to drop-down then created the two secondary menus as we discussed.   But when I try to use them they (understandably) work as drop-down. 

So I guess my question is "What type do I allocate to my new primary menu option so it will accept secondary options that will appear on the second line."

Hope that is clearer.


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10 minutes ago, rhocar said:

OK, got that, makes sense.  But that requires me to specify an external URL.    But I want selecting the primary menu to just show the secondary menu not go somewhere else.   Any clues ?

Hovering over the primary will show the secondary. There is no action to click to see the secondary.

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Hi, yes I see that.   But I can't see how to disable the click action having an effect.  If I click on any of my other primary menus they refresh themselves with the primary menu still selected.   I just need to figure out what link to use,    Good learning exercise 😀   Thanks for the help.

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