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Mass deletion of members

Go to solution Solved by Nathan Explosion,

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I am new to this community and setup, so bear with me...I do work in IT for a day job, which is probably a bad thing because I think I know what I'm doing but... 🙂

We have a self-hosted forum which has a lot of old users setup. We would like to tidy it up but the member screen in the portal doesn't show the last_activity field which I can see exists in the database.

Now, I can easily write an SQL query that will remove the members directly from the 'ibf_core_members' table but I don't want to break the forum because I am guessing that the 'delete' option in the portal may do more than just remove that table entry?,

I was going to test this on just 1 member first but I thought I'd check on here first...any suggestions?

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Me again - I clicked on the prune and just as the screen was refreshing, I noticed the message recommending a database backup 🤦‍♂️

Can that be done via the portal or do we have to do that manually on our server?

The prune function said the action was queued and has not yet been done so I'm assuming it might happen overnight (?) which means I may have time to do a backup before that?

EDIT: ah, forget it, I see the pruning has started in the background...

Edited by rhocar
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