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Commerce - bug with members account activity message in ACP

Richard Arch
Go to solution Solved by Gary,

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There is a strange string of characters within the upgrade message in the members account activity after using the purchase upgrade/downgrade option.

I've checked this with a standard local install (v4.7.4 b3 but have seen this on previous versions too), no add-on applications or plugins installed.

    From the Commerce application add two products that move customer into a new primary group.
    Member buys Level 1 which changes them to the new group.
    Upgrade the purchase to Level 2
    View the members account activity, the message contains a string of characters instead of the expected product (Level 1).
        Purchase #1 changed from Level 1 to 23796cb2ca498d0281623cabfd42ba2f.

As you can see in the activity screen I've done this a number of times upgrading between the two products with a similar result.


Could contain: Text, File


Could contain: Page, Text, File, Mobile Phone, Phone, Electronics

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Any time at all! It's always good to know that there is progress on an issue that you are experiencing with your community.

In saying that, I have some feedback! 🥳

Your bug report has been looked at and a fix has been implemented! We expect it to be included in an upcoming release. I cannot give you a definite timeframe though, but rest assured it has been resolved. When the next release is announced, please refer to the Release Notes which will outline key changes and additional information associated with that release.

And as usual, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you encounter any other issues! Thanks, @Richard Arch.

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