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Problems after upgrading to latest version


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1 hour ago, opentype said:

That’s still not a stock template. Make sure to go into the database settings (and possibly also the category settings) to set all the templates back to standard options. In fact, the Listing Template in IPS doesn’t even support thumbnails. 

Ah ok, that makes sense. I had the database setting on the standard options but the category settings are showing as 'use database template'. Even though the DB template is set to the standard listings, that doesnt show in categories unless I manually set it to show the standard.

The problem with that is now it just looks like a forum display and I don't want that for my articles section. Going to try installing supergrid again and see how that works.

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4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

With the speed of things, before you do anything else, go to support in the top right of your admin CP, adn address the database items. These will certainly cause slowdown (the INNODB one specifically), and are server side items. You would need to contact your hosting company to correct the table types if you are unsure on how to do this

So here are the three suggestions made in the support option:


Could contain: Page, Text

I have been trying to do this all afternoon but the database conversion from single byte UTF-8 to 4-byte UTF-8 kept failing. Then it would tell me the database needed repairing, but when I ran the repair it would then return an error (presumably it timed out). So I repaired the DB in phpmyadmin by running a load of individual queries but I'm no closer to making the necessary changes.

My webhost says he can configure mysql for InnoDB use but he advised that converting compact row to dynamic will not speed things up and to ignore that.

He also said this


I think on the UTF issue you'd be best to get back to the developers on this, as there's no way I can know exactly what they want doing from the description they provided. They may be able to provide a set of SQL statements to run, which is presumably what's happening when you try to do this through the web application itself. My guess would be that it could be a timeout issue on the conversion if it's a large database, such things often run into problems with webserver timeouts on large 'batch' operations.

What should I tell him?


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We would need more information on the UTF8mb4 conversion failure. What is happening? Is there an error message you can provide us?

The InnoDB would be the performance improvement change here. The Dynamic row format would just prevent further issues down the line when it comes to restrictions on new columns being added with compact.

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Hi Jim

It was taking a long time (its a big DB) but it seemed to be working its way through, but then I got a 500 error. When I returned to the admin CP it said there was a critical error with the DB. I ran the repair, which took a while before it completed, saying something about one table could not be repaired because it already exists. The critical error had gone though so the DB had been repaired, but utf-8 had not been updated.

So I just repeated the process and again I got the 500 error after a considerable time. Then I ran the repair and got a 500 error with that too and it said the repair could not be done via the admin CP. It provided me with a list of mysql queries that needed running to fix the DB, which I did in phpmyadmin.

And here we are, still at the same point where we started!

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10 minutes ago, tlw1999 said:

Hi Jim

It was taking a long time (its a big DB) but it seemed to be working its way through, but then I got a 500 error. When I returned to the admin CP it said there was a critical error with the DB. I ran the repair, which took a while before it completed, saying something about one table could not be repaired because it already exists. The critical error had gone though so the DB had been repaired, but utf-8 had not been updated.

So I just repeated the process and again I got the 500 error after a considerable time. Then I ran the repair and got a 500 error with that too and it said the repair could not be done via the admin CP. It provided me with a list of mysql queries that needed running to fix the DB, which I did in phpmyadmin.

And here we are, still at the same point where we started!

You would need to investigate the 500 Internal Server Error. You would want to look at your server error log for the entry in question with this problem. If you require assistance, please work with your hosting provider. If the error outlines a software issue, please pass it to us for further assistance.

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3 minutes ago, tlw1999 said:

So the site went live again last night and so far it's been running great. It's much quicker than it was before, which is presumably due to the DB table conversion. Thanks guys for the help getting me back on track 👍

Very glad to hear you are back up and running 🙂 

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