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Report system not working in case of "restriced moderators" are defined

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Dear IPS support,

I guess I have found a bug in the current release. (IPS 4.7.3)
There seems to be a change in the reporting system where the mod permissions are checked explicit.

In case this topic is already fixed, please ignore my post.


My IPS community has restricted moderators defined and as long as these restricted mods are enabled, the user gets and error message once a content is reported.
As soon as I disable the restricted mods, everything is working fine.


I have identified two issues so far:

  1. FORUMS - In case a moderator has permissions for all forums, the permission is saved as "-1" (select all checkbox is set)
  2. PAGES - In case a moderator has no permission for any category, the permission is saved as "" (no selection in the picker control)

Both values can't be converted into an array and the IPS code throws an exception.


Not to impact my community any longer, I have manipulated your code based on my understanding.
I'm sure you will find a better solution, but this "hack" is currently fine for my community.


File: \system\Content\Content.php
Line: 1714

Could contain: Document, Text, Page, Word, File


Please have a look.

Edited by derpunker
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