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Your license key is not recognized. You can try to refresh your license data or enter a new key

Simon Culshaw

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We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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There are issues with communicating with the license server on your server unfortunately. You need to ensure it can communicate with remoteservices.invisionpower.com in order for it to work correctly. If you are unsure how to do this, you would need to contact your hosting company to assist 

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At present, it is not connecting to our servers. Unfortunately there is only your hosting company can resolve that issue.

There are other issues with your hosting there too, such as  the time on your server being incorrect, which can cause problems. Tasks are not running on your cron job. Your tables are running compact rows. Please take a look at Support in your admin CP and address those first of all.

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OK, I am aware of those issues and will look at them.

The server time is perplexing me though because it is correct and synchronised with a time server?

The cron job has broken because I upgraded the version of PHP to try and address this problem but I'll resolve it now.

I'll make the necessary changes to the MySQL tables.

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OK, Just to be clear, please can you explain the following:-

1) I can see the error within the software "Server time maybe inaccurate"

2) I click on it and it shows "Your server is reporting the current time as 13/10/22 10:33 UTC which seems to be inaccurate. This can cause problems with some services and security functionality. You should contact your hosting provider to ask for this problem to be resolved."

3) The UTC time now (at the time of doing this check is 13/10/22 10:33 UTC)

4) I understand there is a circa 3 hour discrepancy, please can you let me know where I see that 3 hour discrepancy within the Admin Control Panel? Thanks

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Its probably just not checked again since. Check that again in 24 hours time and see if its happening again then. 

Also, please do the same with the license refresh. Leave it 24 hours and try again. please dont try it in the meantime, as I feel you may be getting blocked through repeated attempts here

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Hi, I've logged back in and I note that the server time issue still persists - I realise it's only 23 hours but unfortunately I have other commitments for the next couple of hours.

I would appreciate your guidance on what I should try next.

I've got the hosting company on standby, they beleive the server time is correct though..

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