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why twice click to validate a new registration


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I'm trying out the new registration format for 4.7.x and I wonder why does IPS require a person to click twice to validate an email.

the process:

1. fill out registration form and click create my account

2. new screen says confirm your email; look for email in your inbox.

3. Email inbox displays an email from IPS that has a blue button with white letters and instructions to click the button to validate the account. Like most systems, once you click that link or button, your email is validated. But not with IPS.  

4. After clicking on the blue button in the email, a new screen appears for 4.7 that says you're almost there but .... you have to click the button again to validate your account.

What is the logic behind having to click once to validate your email and click again to validate your account? Can this second step be removed? Is there a setting in the ACP?



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The reason it works this way is because some email clients/email delivery services will automatically follow links in the emails. This could cause a bad experience for the end-user since the email is automatically verified (whether it was valid and delivered or not) and the one-time validation URL would no longer be valid.

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