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Uploading word documents


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I'm trying to upload an MS Office doc (Word .docx) to the Media section of the ACP (Pages => Media) but I'm receiving an IPB error:Could contain: Business Card, Paper, Text

Yet when I look in the "Allowed file types" settings (Settings => Posting => General => Attachements) I dont' have any restrictions set:

Could contain: Text, Page

I don't need forum posts to be allowed to upload Office docs (though it would be handy for the admin group), but I do need to be able to create attachments for some pages (I do this via the Media section of the ACP). Is there a way to enable Office docs to be served in this way?

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1 hour ago, opentype said:

The Pages media function has nothing to do with attachments. You can however use attachments on pages as well – wherever there is an editor field. 

I see, thanks. Do you know where the settings for the allowed pages media types are?

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Sorry I think things may have gotten a bit mixed up here... I'm a bit confused... I'm just trying to upload an office document in a way that can be attached to a page. I just assumed the Media section was the way to handle this - that's why I mentioned it in my post. If it's not, is there another way I should be going?

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Instead of adding it to the media library, you can just literally add it as an attachment to the article.  See attached as an example of a Word document (.docx).  


You can do the same thing in a Pages article and include an attachment right from the editor.  (I tested this on one of my Pages articles to confirm this.)

Edited by Randy Calvert
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I see, thanks for that Randy.

Unfortunately it looks like I've found a corner case again. I'm trying to add custom HTML, which cannot be done via the usual page builder/WYSIWYG as far as I know, so I'm using a custom block.

I realise that blocks can be stacked with WYSIWYG components within a page template, but I need to add links within my custom block.

So I was using the media library because there is standard syntax for including a file download (eg. {media="8"} )

I will probably create a hidden page for my downloads, attach the files via a WYSIWYG block, and then use the media="" syntax... but this seems a bit hacky. If anyone sees that I'm going wrong please let me know.

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