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Site... Offline.. Including InvisionCommunity.. on iPad


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Explain, why my iPad gets a 403 error message, when attempting to access our forum and YOURS?


I have deleted all my history, several times today, and it still is showing the 403 message.


However, turning on my Win 10, I can access both.  I sent a message to our members, however, every time I checked on my iPad or iPhone, I got the 403 message, but, checking on my Win desktop, I was able to access both, ISP & our forum. 

Also, I changed my provider access, and changed my VPN access.  Neither made a difference, in accessing either InvisionCommunity or our forum. MrsSurvival.com

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I received a 403 several times, earlier today, stating too much activity.  After an hour, I cleared all my history, checked again, same thing.  Changed my ISP/VPN, same thing.  Turned on my Win10.... NP. I tried to access the site and Invision, probably 20 times.  same error message, each time I cleared my history & cookies.  I am responsible for keeping MrsSurvival on line...  I noted the problem on FB, so our members would know there was a problem.


Tried to access, Invision, same error message. 


.....  I changed my ISP, and my VPN access, out of the USA, and was able to access both..... 


Still, my question remains, why are we being blocked, even to InvisionCommunity?  Is there something we can do to prevent it in the future?

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Paid, Private Internet Access. PIA VPN

Received the 403 error message, again today.  I have 2 separate internet providers, switched service, 403 error.  Changed the VPN from Houston, to TX, then, was able to access Invision.  Could contain: Text, Page

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25 minutes ago, mrssurv said:

Paid, Private Internet Access. PIA VPN

Received the 403 error message, again today.  I have 2 separate internet providers, switched service, 403 error.  Changed the VPN from Houston, to TX, then, was able to access Invision.  Could contain: Text, Page

Where is the IP address which you receive the 403 error from? Could you please message me the IP address of it?

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The firewall may block you temporarily at a time if you exceed the number of actions permitted or encounter many different errors in the allotted time.

As the VPN you're using is coming from a datacenter/shared IP address, it could also be used by other individuals (or bots) accessing our network which may also improve your chances of hitting the above.

Waiting or changing IP address will help get around the temporary firewall block.

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Thank you for your assistance.  

Yes, it is still occurring, however, changing the VPN access points, has allowed me to access Invision & our site.


How many people don’t know that?  Especially when I can still surf other sites, news, & other forums?

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2 hours ago, mrssurv said:

Thank you for your assistance.  

Yes, it is still occurring, however, changing the VPN access points, has allowed me to access Invision & our site.


How many people don’t know that?  Especially when I can still surf other sites, news, & other forums?

Most people are not using VPNs.  Those that are, most likely are not using a specific VPN endpoint that had been doing bad things recently.  Typically those restrictions last a period of time (as in many cases those repetitional blocks keep you blocked for a period of time).  

And while you may be able to browse other sites...  those same sites are most likely not using the same firewall or the same reputation services that IPS might utilize.  

This is not about trying to target you personally or even your VPN provider.  Instead if you use a service that makes use of a shared IP, you run the risk of being lumped into sharing a "virtual reputation" from anyone else that might be doing bad things with your same IP.  

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