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bug: No longer can drag and drop images / files. Have to use the upload attachment.

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I have a bug that has been occurring for about 6 months, but it's taken me this long to post about it. 

Members of my community used to be able to drag and drop images/files from their desktop into a post for easy in post positioning of the image.
Now a message pops up (screenshot attached) informing them of the certain file types can be uploaded)  Simultaneously with the error box, towards the bottom an info prompt appears saying "Pasted as rich text. paste as plain text instead."  see the bottom of the screenshot. 

Could contain: Business Card, Paper, Text, Electronics

The problem is not the file type or size, I've checked that. It seems to think the drag/drop function is a "paste" and "text". 

And actually, just now, when I dragged and dropped these screenshots into the Invision community - the drag drop worked perfectly. So that confirms the problem is not related to the users computer.  I did notice that the same info box pops up saying "pasted as rich text". 

Here are screenshots of my settings for images on AdminCP.  Any help is much appreciated 🙂

Could contain: File, Document, Text, Webpage, Page

Could contain: Document, Text, Page, File


thank you.


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Do you have any 3rd party items there? If so please disable and try again. I am seeing no issues even with the attachments being used by yourself there. If there is then still an issue, please ensure all access is up to date on file

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Hey @Marc Stridgen Yes, I have a few 3rd party items, but have been installed from day 1 using IP Board, over 2 years ago. No new 3rd party items have been installed since my initial installation. 
Also, I've checked the file access as best I know how, and the fact that I have no problem dragging and dropping images into this Invision forum tells me it's not the image/file, but something with the way my current community setup reacts when a drag/drop occurs. 
A few other thoughts (in hopes this may trigger something for you). I have had some MySQL database stability issues. I can't say for sure, but it seems to be a caching issue. I've tried a few different caching plugins, but still experience a MySQL crash once or twice a month. 
The other thought was that my server storage space has been steadily growing over the past few years. I've run out of space a few times and the hosting company says I'm pushing the limits of the disc storage and I should clean off some files (mostly old backups). Which I have done.  But I wonder if perhaps (without my knowing) they put some limiter on the server that might be related to this issue. 
Most likely not, but I thought I'd raise it here. Otherwise I'm stuck, and don't have any more ideas. If you think of something, let me know.



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10 hours ago, TODD MCCARTY said:

Yes, I have a few 3rd party items, but have been installed from day 1 using IP Board, over 2 years ago. No new 3rd party items have been installed since my initial installation. 

While I understand that, as you've have upgraded both our core software and the add-on or even server-related items over that timespan, there may be compatibility issues there and it is best to disable them to test this or any issue you are having.

11 hours ago, TODD MCCARTY said:

A few other thoughts (in hopes this may trigger something for you). I have had some MySQL database stability issues. I can't say for sure, but it seems to be a caching issue. I've tried a few different caching plugins, but still experience a MySQL crash once or twice a month. 

I would advise working with your hosting provider on anything which causes your MySQL database to "crash." Typically, these are server configuration issues and need to be resolved at the server-level. 

11 hours ago, TODD MCCARTY said:

The other thought was that my server storage space has been steadily growing over the past few years. I've run out of space a few times and the hosting company says I'm pushing the limits of the disc storage and I should clean off some files (mostly old backups). Which I have done.  But I wonder if perhaps (without my knowing) they put some limiter on the server that might be related to this issue. 

Typically, another error would be presented if you are low on storage. However, ensuring you have space for the item you're uploading is a good thing to check before moving forward.


Tried to login to your community's ACP but the credentials on file are not correct. Please verify and update your credentials in the Client Area.

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